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7 items found for "Ruby"
- Sandra L. Sambueso, 64, Mount Pleasant, TX. Nurse/caregiver with anti-vax posts on Facebook.
Ruby where she says that embalmers have found arteries clogged with rubbery clots in deceased patients
- Greg Hooker, Pigeon Forge, TN. Anti-Vax Pastor at Greg Hooker Ministries.
Jane Ruby, and a video from anti-vaxxer, Lisa Marie Carter.
- Michael Lipko, 63, Petersburg, DE. Q-Anon supporter, anti-vaxxer. Dead from Covid.
Jane Ruby is a "TV personality" who has doctoral degrees in Education and Psychology.
- Rodney & Diana Fuller, Owensboro, KY. Both got Covid. Wife died. Rodney, anti-vaxxer, cries murder!
Jane Ruby. We've seen her on SAV before.
- Jeff Rousseau, 52, Paragould, AR. Covid survivor. A true believer of MANY things.
Jane Ruby, now deceased Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a bunch of pastors, AND Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
- Danielle Jones, New Castle, DE. Founder of Delaware Sasquatch Researchers Organization. "Not vaxt."
A quick Google search found that raccoons can carry "rabies, canine distemper, feline distemper/panleukopenia
- Amanda Ogg, Ft. Worth, TX. Photographer. Husband hospitalized after Covid infection.
on risk and occupation: Anthrax, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Japanese encephalitis, Pneumococcal, Rabies
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