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Separated by a Common Language
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SAV Patron
May 27, 2022
Oldsters like me remember that to say something sucked or sucks was quite risque, It slowly year by year worked its way into the general vernacular
Please stop complaining about shortage of new stories
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SAV Patron
May 22, 2022
@Vaxxylady Yes Vaxxlady really wishes she could meet some of us.
Maine: if you don’t move there, you’re a square
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SAV Patron
May 20, 2022
With your penchant for storytelling he just might invite you in
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Maine: if you don’t move there, you’re a square
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SAV Patron
May 17, 2022
@WalmartJesus the PC Baby I think it's kind of awesome how you added PC Baby to your user name. Otherwise, no comment.
Maine: if you don’t move there, you’re a square
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SAV Patron
May 17, 2022
@DeathofRats-BadgeHoorMaroon I'm pretty sure he will be outing himself shortly. And I do believe Vaxlady had a quiet personal conversation with him, so he deserves that chance to continue without having to defend himself against all the FORNP (friends of Rand Paul's Neighbor)
Maine: if you don’t move there, you’re a square
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Nice to meet you
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SAV Patron
May 11, 2022
@Delusionalmale God we're old. I was just gonna mention that game until I saw your entry. Just goes to show how great a game it was if we remember it 50 years later
You say it's WHO's birthday? Who do you share a birthday with?
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SAV Patron
May 10, 2022
Yeah I share a birthday with some absolute greats but I am of a mind not to reveal it
B-sides and other forgotten wonders
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B-sides and other forgotten wonders
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Libs/Dems... we love our pets
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SAV Patron
Apr 27, 2022
Bonded pair from the shelter, seven at time of adoption. (Two years ago) Tiger (the black one) and Rory (the other one) . Not crazy about the names but Tiger clearly answers to her name so I'm stuck with that. Rory became "The cat formerly known as Rory" until recently when I settled on Penelope. Why Penelope? It just makes me laugh, And it fits her. She's definitely a Penelope.
What’s your Favorite Band ? Album? Concert?
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What’s your Favorite Band ? Album? Concert?
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SAV Patron
Apr 27, 2022
@WeepsforHumanity That came up on my You tube algorithm a few weeks back and I've been watching it repeatedly. It's awesome.
Book Recommendations
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SAV Patron
Apr 26, 2022
Seriously? Nelson DeMille? I've read multiple books by him. The 1st was The Gold Coast which was great. every one since has sequentially been just a bit worse, until the last few were just plain lousy.
Just my opinion SG, hope we can still be friends. (Even though we're not yet friends)
Libs/Dems... we love our pets
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SAV Patron
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