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Forum Posts

May 13, 2022
In General Discussion
How is this being perceived around the world. In the UK, there are a number of cases in children up to 11 years of age, 75% under 5. Tragically there have been some deaths, and children requiring a liver transplant. The WHO are concerned about this, the cause is unknown at the moment. but the antivaxxers have jumped on this, blaming the vaccines. Even though most were not vaccinated, and the 5 and under age group, they were not eligible in the UK. Of course, the vaccines do not carry inactive covid pathogens, so that’s ruled out. Another theory touted is breast milk from vaccinated mothers, but this doesn’t account for the age range, I doubt 5 to 11 year olds were still breast fed. Another theory, virus shedding from vaccinated parents, once again, no inactive viri in vaccines. Another theory touted, their parents/doctors/scientists are lying about vaccinated status. It’s going to be a case that any ‘unusual’ medical phenomena will be blamed on the vaccine. These people call themselves ‘critical thinkers’, I believe it’s pathological cynicism. discuss:


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