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How do people become/stay religious or atheist?
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vaxxed and thankful
Do I look sick?
Aug 09, 2022
The Moonies as well visited Europe and then end of the 70ties (I remember not very well which year) we had people called "Krishnas", they always sang the same song repeatedly to get into trance:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
It was funny to watch them in the street.
How do people become/stay religious or atheist?
In General Discussion
How do people become/stay religious or atheist?
In General Discussion
How do people become/stay religious or atheist?
In General Discussion
vaxxed and thankful
Do I look sick?
Aug 08, 2022
... and then there are these people which have an "awakening". May be they are the most bounded to their church.
How do people become/stay religious or atheist?
In General Discussion
vaxxed and thankful
Do I look sick?
Aug 08, 2022
Wow Polly, burn in hell, what nightmares did they tell to people!
Once I wanted to become Buddhist (I read a lot of Buddhism as well) but I knew that I never would accept to adopt inner pictures from other people as I have so nice ones of my own. But to see Dalai Lama is really an event!
How do people become/stay religious or atheist?
In General Discussion
vaxxed and thankful
Do I look sick?
Aug 08, 2022
To leave church seems to be a very private decision due to own bad or not-so-good experience. To stay may be driven by that feeling of community?
How do people become/stay religious or atheist?
In General Discussion
vaxxed and thankful
Do I look sick?
Aug 08, 2022
Do you think your religious distance was based on your family situation? I really would like to know more about how people come to their religious decisions.
vaxxed and thankful
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