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UPDATE 23: COVID ain't over & it doesn't care that you think it is
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UPDATE 14 - SAV Post: QT survived and she votes
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UPDATE 1: Beware; Reddit r/longcovid taken over by AntiVaxxer Site
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Maine Bars Trump From 2024 Primary Ballot
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Dec 29, 2023
Hey I just put up the same news over on that very very old SAV thread. This is GREAT.
Thanks for. posting!!!!!!
So sorry that I missed wishing you a Merry Christmas! 🇨🇦EH ...
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Dec 27, 2023
Thank you, and wishing you good health and joy for the new year!!!!
Highlighting Jan 6 Insurrectionist Richard Barnett AKA Biggo
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Aug 08, 2023
No apology needed. You braved the muck for the rest of us. Thank you.
Damage To The Vagus Nerve may be linked to Long COVID
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Aug 01, 2023
So sorry to hear how awful it's been for you. Back in 2020 there was so much yet to be understood, which made your experience that much worse. Sounds like you're dealing with a lot of frustrating challenges. And yet you call the glass half-full. And you're well-attuned to good self-care. Kudos to you!
Damage To The Vagus Nerve may be linked to Long COVID
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Slow on SAV so I'll copy over an HCA award winner meet Devonia Vanouver Autrey. She was on the cutting edge of Q & Antivaxx conspiracies.
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Jul 05, 2023
"Words I never want to hear again" - well, OK, careful what you wish for Devvie. Say what? Can't hear any words? Oops.
Slow on SAV so I'll copy over an HCA award winner meet Devonia Vanouver Autrey. She was on the cutting edge of Q & Antivaxx conspiracies.
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UPDATE 6: Book banning and the people behind it is worse than you think
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Holistic Medicine
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May 29, 2023
It's something to carry and use, like a stethoscope..
Holistic Medicine
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Thanks to HCAs and Vaxxman meet Bob Brown from Greenup Kentucky!
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UPDATE 6: Book banning and the people behind it is worse than you think
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May 25, 2023
Amanda Gorman feels "gutted." As well she should. I hope that she and all of the sane students and parents in FL (there are sane people there) rise up against this hateful act. The brain-dead complainer and the people who bowed to her sick accusations should be pilloried and buggy-whipped.
HCAs brought us Sam Soldano. He'll make your blood boil, sure as hell.
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Kaitlan Collins really is a NASTY POS...
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HCAs creation that will ruffle your feathers. It's a hum daddy of a KERFUFFLE.
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The late, silenced Mrs. dRumph
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Apr 28, 2023
Yeah such Trophy Children
(and thanks VOICUL - I'm not handy with this technobabble stuff)
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