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MemeRon Mocker
Site SAVior
Jun 16, 2022
In General Discussion
Do you have a favorite SAV post when you are trying to tell someone about the site? When I bring up the SAV website to people who I can tell would like it, my favorite post to introduce them is Doug Kuzma. He's perfect for many reasons. He has no redeeming qualities, so it's easy to not have a lot of sympathy. He's a loud-mouth who spouted off crap to grift and got served karma. But what I really love on that post are the comments. The memes were fantastic. The story presented by Vaxman included some nice short videos (I hate when SAVers post hour-long videos...the badge just isn't worth it lol). I bookmarked Doug to send to people. They can't believe people like this exist. All of the conspiracy BS just adds to the feeling that he got what he deserved.
My first comment wasn't a meme, but I still find it one of my best comments:
MemeRon Mocker Jan 07
Transcribed this from one of his videos. Lots of foreshadowing his impending doom. Added some commentary to amuse myself.
Doug: Just keep drinkin' your water. (Seems like you're drankin' dat Kool-Aid, Doug.)
Doug: I guess if I'm gonna go to these shows from now on, I’m gonna hafta be takin' hydroxychloroquine before I go for like a week. (I think you need to up your dose and start taking it a year before you go to Q-vents.)
Doug: That way I have an immunity built up to it. (You are currently quite immune to COVID-19. Congrats!)
Doug: Even though everybody tries to tell me "make sure you take hydroxychloroquine, vitamin d, vitamin c"... I take all that. It probably would have killed me if I didn't have all that stuff already in me. (Wait, what if taking all of that is actually what killed you?! Don't look up, Q-verse. You might discover that snorting Ivermectin can kill you.)
Doug: And I'm already wearing four patches from Lifewave. I can imagine how bad I'd feel if I wasn't on my patches. I'd be really out of it. (This is quite the testamonial for LiveWave. I hope they add this testimonial to their website!)
Doug: During the daytime I'm about 60-65% right now. Nighttime 40-50% (Seems you're currently at 0%.)
Doug: Doin' a lot of prayin' to God. Me and him are gettin' real close at this time. (He's either REALLY close to God or has a studio for his podcast where it's really warm...even warmer than Florida or Texas.)
Doug: I'm accepting all prayers. (Sorry that my prayers that Q-idiots would take that vaccination shots that God sent in the form of intelligent researchers to create were not answered. I'm still praying. You Q-idiots are still not accepting the protection sent by God. Shrug. Oh well. Guess the mid-term elections and 2024 elections won't have as many Q-idiot votes.)
Doug: We'll talk to you later. Bye (No, you won't be talking to us ever.)
This is Doug Kuzma signing off the F.R.O.G. (Formerly Relied On God) Network for the last time.
MemeRon Mocker
Site SAVior
May 17, 2022
In General Discussion
This is classic Steve Hofstetter with quick-witted barbs that destroy her ignorant views. Enjoy!
MemeRon Mocker
Site SAVior
May 13, 2022
In General Discussion
Let’s start with this wacky QAnon, Canadian antivaxxer who claims to be the Queen of Canada. She “has been urging her 72,200 followers on social media to kill anyone attempting to vaccinate children under the age of 19.” Less dangerous, but much more hilarious are her statements to her followers to stop paying their bills. There are stories of her followers getting their electricity cut off. I couldn’t come up with this level of crazy if I was on ’shrooms.
MemeRon Mocker
Site SAVior
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