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SAV Sleuth
Aug 08, 2022
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These fuckers tried flushing the USA down the crapper so why not docs? The fact that photos exist is fan-fucking-tactic. The fact they also pulled this on Air Force One is mind-boggling. These people are stupid fucking criminals. All. Of. Them. LOCK ‘EM UP!
SAV Sleuth
Aug 04, 2022
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Anyone care to put these together to make a hideous Frankenfascist for me? I am an unskilled snarker. Thx in advance.
SAV Sleuth
Aug 01, 2022
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Already started seeing quite a few in the comments and think they should all be corralled in one place.
My submission: DIPSHIT IS LARVA FOOD Maybe we can vote and have GIF prizes. Regardless, I don’t want to miss any so hook me up with this fast reference. Thx!
SAV Sleuth
Jul 31, 2022
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We really have to find effective mechanisms for battling the fuckers behind these attempts at re-writing history. Across the globe they’re trying to erase evidence of all the evils humans have perpetrated against humans. I guess so that we can hurry up and do it all again? Gawd forbid that anyone learn from history.
SAV Sleuth
Jul 28, 2022
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Who will this cull? My fear is it would be young voters that fell for Yang before. 70% of the young ones went for Biden. We don’t want to lose any of them to this.
SAV Sleuth
Jul 02, 2022
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So the right wing has the oligarchy paying nitiwits to think on its behalf. We lefties need to scoilast the resistance. What are some ideas for countering this fascist overreach which threatens our future? We need tactics within our communities and we need to feel empowered, not defeated. We will win.
SAV Sleuth
Jun 22, 2022
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Obesity is down the list. I tire of people that claim to love science not grasping that weight is an indicator of metabolic disorder but not a death sentence. Every fat person I know is ALIVE because they are vaccinated. I can name 30 of 45 dead people that were unvaccinated, normal BMI and dead as a door nail. Yes, the other 15 were overweight. They were also elderly. Lots of people have died because they thought they were healthy. They looked at fat people and thought, hey I’m not fat, I’ll be fine. And they died. Because they had no idea they were actually sporting a different disease that just hadn’t shown itself brightly yet. Here’s a small retrospective study: A total of 454 patients were included of this study. 78 (17.18%) patients death due to COVID-19, consisting of 52 (66.67%) male and 26 (33.33%) female. Range of ages between 18 and 85 years. The highest mortality rate occurred in the age group ≥60 years (35; 51.47%), followed by the age group of 45–59 years (33; 48.53%), and the age group of <45 years (10; 12%). The prevalent comorbidity was hypertension (42.31%), cardiovascular disease (30.77%), diabetes (28.21%), chronic kidney disease (23.08%), malignancy (15.38%), obesity (15.38%), chronic liver disease (7.69%), chronic respiratory disease (6.41%), immune related disease (3.85%), and non-traumatic cerebral infarction (3.85%). 41 (52.56%) patients reported having two or more comorbidities, and 37 (47.44%) only has one comorbidity. Elevated neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) ≥3.13 was seen in the majority of patients (68; 87.18%). The mean value of NLR was 20.94.
Focusing on fatness is a bad, bad plan. We need to be focusing on health. We need to be focusing on zip codes and medical availability. Why are the rural areas hit so hard? Republicanism AND shitty services. Lots and lots of wealthier, luckier complete assholes are alive because they got an ECMO. The fat bashing needs to stop because it’s missing too many other problems. I get that we are all frustrated and mad at morons, but you’re hurting other people, too. Actual cormirbidites need to be considered, not the proxy one. Yeah, you likely aren’t metabolically healthy if you’re fat. But being thin doesn’t mean that you’re healthy.
SAV Sleuth
Jun 11, 2022
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Let’s work together to get Vaxxylady some more material to work with.
SAV Sleuth
May 28, 2022
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Somewhere in the past 2 days someone posted the “Department that can look at young men that’s looking at women that’s looking at their social media” in epic meme form. I tried the Google but failed. Did anyone save it? Someone here may have even created it. It is so damned funny. Need to send it to my cuz in GA.
SAV Sleuth
May 27, 2022
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Fit man, around 30, chatting up a couple in their mid-60s. The woman is fascinated by him. She lists off a bunch of people that she “follows”. All docs. All sound real internet sleazy. I pretend I’m shopping for some chocolate so I can hear them better. Couple is thrilled to talk to someone so knowledgeable. He then goes onto say that his whole bed is rigged and grounded with copper wire because that way he’s not getting unnecessary inflammation. He says all the docs know about this but refuse to study it. Because Argle bargle. (And, yeah, doctors do all sorts of research for free! It’s totally the way the system works!) Anyway, I laughed at the chocolate when the “knowledgeable” guy said they can’t wear rubber soles on their shoes because it will block their ability to keep inflammation down. The PA (yes) that came up with this is just tearing up the world with all this fact stuff. Saving lives! Wonder how many COVID patients he saved with copper wires and bare feet?
I cannot with these people. I’m a fucking tree hugging, anti-big pharma type and I really, really CANNOT.
SAV Sleuth
May 16, 2022
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Bringing this thread back to life in the hope that RPN will grace us with his presence again. And also, yeah, we gotta get kiddos to move to the zip codes that help us leverage our power. I need Mary and hotrudderedbum to help me out here. Until RPN returns. Ever the optimist! Let’s roll!
SAV Sleuth
May 10, 2022
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As a ghoul, I sometimes troll around GFM looking for the FAFO asshats. During times of fresh meat boredom, I’ve posted links in the chats. I don’t social media so there’s no way for me to confirm their antivax feelings, but sometimes it’s pretty obvious. So this is a repository for GFMs that folks might stumble upon. I’m starting with one I found last night that was so funny/not funny that it’s practically legend. I will be making jokes about this forever.
SAV Sleuth
May 08, 2022
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A place to post links to articles that you found enlightening, unnerving, extraordinary or maddening. This one was kind of “all of the above”. I truly thought our society would shame people like this off the planet, but, nope. They just become Republicans and morph a bit and find new grifts.
SAV Sleuth
Apr 30, 2022
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Was thinking about that idiot co-worker last month that said, “it’s the flu”. One of the things I said in my incendiary response was, “I have never known anyone that died from the flu”. Note that I cannot give exact numbers on COVID. We stopped counting in late December when my unvaxxed F-I-L nearly died from it. The small community he lives in is still reeling from, and simultaneously ignoring, the slaughter. FLU: zero (my great-great grandmother and one of her children did die from one of the early waves of the “Spanish” influenza outbreak.) COVID: stopped counting at 40. But at least 20 more died since January. Those later deaths were all from a rural MAGAt-hole in PA. The numbers I include here are people that myself or my spouse knew personally. We weirdly even had some cross-overs between work associate deaths. Didn’t even know we had worked with/adjacent to the same people until I mentioned a death and it turned out he’d worked with her previously. And only a teeny amount of these folks died prior to vaccine availability. So when I see that the vaccine could have prevented 250,000 deaths, I think that’s a lowball #.
SAV Sleuth
Apr 29, 2022
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With almost every album purchase it turns out my favorite songs never received radio play. I’ve owned thousands of albums, but just imagine all of the excellent music I’ve missed? With the age of digital downloads of singles, it’s all going to get worse. Full albums may become rarer and rarer in the future. I have been tripping down musical memory lane because of the other forum posts on the subject. I’d like for people to post great music here that others may never have heard. Here’s a favorite that I find myself singing quite a bit. One of my favorite talents of all time, Hoyt Axton.
SAV Sleuth
Apr 27, 2022
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A place to put any news about worker’s movements; equitable pay ; unfair labor practices, etc.
SAV Sleuth
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