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The AntiVaccinationist Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior (RFK2) has confirmation hearings right now to be Secretary of Health & Human Servic
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Life is Good.
Dead Poets Society
Jan 30, 2025
Part of me says that the Repug majority of Congress will confirm RFK2 and all other clowns up for appointment. But the other part of me HOPES that even just a very few Repugs will see through RFK2's lies and save America's children from missing out on childhood immunizations.
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Dead Poets Society
Oct 26, 2022
No Paxlovid must be prescribed by a doc. If you take it right away the first or second day of testing positive--IT WORKS in 5 days! But if you delay taking it, it doesn't work because virus has had a chance to spread in your body. Follow the instructions and you'll be fine.
People who regret refusing the Covid vaccine
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The contents of Trump’s safe
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Life is Good.
Dead Poets Society
Aug 10, 2022
• His abysmal and embarrassing K-12 report cards, SAT scores, and college transcripts
•huge shit list of anyone and everyone who has ever been disloyal
•detachable bone spurs
• sexy love letter to his mother
• unused condoms
•little black book
• covefe
• 1 dozen cans of orange spray tan
• Stormy Daniels Barbie Doll
• extra extra large female panties, bras, and stilettos, size 13
Antivaxxers + QAnon + Russians starving world and blaming it on the Jews = PURE EVIL
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Life is Good.
Dead Poets Society
Aug 04, 2022
Thank you. And so obviously, stupid Americans, led by Putin's Puppets, will continue to be brainwashed with antivax lies, climate change denial, antisemitism, racism, election results denial, etc. etc etc. or whatever Putin decides should be the "flavor of the month". The American public MUST learn of the sources of these lies and who is spreading them in the USA.
Antivaxxers + QAnon + Russians starving world and blaming it on the Jews = PURE EVIL
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Dead Poets Society
Aug 04, 2022
That explains it. Thank you. So MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, and their buddies are Putin's Puppets.
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Dead Poets Society
Aug 02, 2022
This great! I know it's a lot of work but can you update it. Or better yet start a website that can be updated. Also, perhaps you could design a document that organizes the info by name and nicknames, DOB, City and State, and then the rest of the information.
Antivaxxers + QAnon + Russians starving world and blaming it on the Jews = PURE EVIL
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Life is Good.
Dead Poets Society
Aug 02, 2022
And thank you, VACCINATE, for adding that URL! We need to track down all of the many origins of disinformation that "feed" the deadly antivax movement. Right now my toddler grandchild is unvaxxed and will remain so because of her coo-coo antivax mother. I fear for my grandchild every day and tracking down and exposing antivax disinformation sources is a bit therapeutic.
How the antivaxxing Wellness Industry and Pyramid Schemes (Multi-level-Marking, or MLM) are getting rich from this pandemic
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How the antivaxxing Wellness Industry and Pyramid Schemes (Multi-level-Marking, or MLM) are getting rich from this pandemic
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Life is Good.
Dead Poets Society
Aug 01, 2022
Yes, FB has not been very responsible for stopping lies and conspriacy theories I've complained several times, but nothing changes and the medical lies perpetuated by snake oil saleswomen and men continue. I guess FB needs to be sued as people die from ingesting colloidal silver and other quack "remedies".
How the antivaxxing Wellness Industry and Pyramid Schemes (Multi-level-Marking, or MLM) are getting rich from this pandemic
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Life is Good.
Dead Poets Society
Aug 01, 2022
Interesting! Thanks for that insight! Now, what can we do to change this? I don't know.
Simone Gold, of America's Frontline Doctors, Reports to Federal Prison
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UPDATE #6: Saturday/Sunday Golf Musings...& morbid Humour
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Dead Poets Society
Aug 01, 2022
I desperately hope you are correct in your prediction!! Please wish harder!
UPDATE #6: Saturday/Sunday Golf Musings...& morbid Humour
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Dead Poets Society
Aug 01, 2022
And have you seen the grave site? Just dirt and a flat plat with birth and death dates. Even pioneers who died on wagon trains heading west had nicer grave sites. Even my dead pet cats and dogs have nicer grave sites. And who knows if she's really buried there? She was probably cremated and the ashes tossed over 5th Ave. in NYC. There's a special place in HELL for Trump and his brats.
Novavax: It’s the vaccine that scares antivaxxers, not moth DNA or any ingredient in any vaccine
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Dead Poets Society
Aug 01, 2022
So scientists are working on a nasal spray and pills for the vaccine. Would antivaxxers refuse to take pills or sprays? Is it itty bitty needles that they're really terrified of but would not think twice about popping pills? (By the way the 5 day easy peasy Paxlovid pills cleared up my mild COVID symptoms in 3 days!)
How the antivaxxing Wellness Industry and Pyramid Schemes (Multi-level-Marking, or MLM) are getting rich from this pandemic
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How the antivaxxing Wellness Industry and Pyramid Schemes (Multi-level-Marking, or MLM) are getting rich from this pandemic
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Life is Good.
Dead Poets Society
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