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Wally Harms, 50, Bernardsville, NJ, anti-vaxxer "bully" dead from COVID.

According to this obituary, Wally died on Febuary 3rd, 2022, and according to his GoFundMe the cause was COVID. Now, what's left of Wally's Facebook is simply a bunch of "I trust my immune system" and "I don't care if you're vaccinated" profile frames. Normally, I only post people with these limited anti-vaxx posts who also happen to be Healthcare Professionals. However, someone who knows Wally very well sent me this message and it's the best submission I've gotten. I removed some passages that might have identified this person, but what's left is enough to get the picture:

"This man lived in Bernardsville, NJ his entire life, he bullied the free Covid vaccine clinic in Bernardsville by driving his pickup truck and screaming at anyone who tried to get a vaccine. Wally Harms , the anti-vax menace about town who acted like he was the Mayor (worth noting, this town is right next to Trump Nat'l Golf club in Bedminster, NJ, and Wally was the Pro-Trumo anti-vax poster child. I checked his many obituaries and NONE of them mentioned his cause of death. The final sentence of his obituary says " He will be missed by so many, but the deer and turkey of western NJ can sleep with both eyes closed tonight." You cannot make this stuff up. the reason I am submitting this is because Wally spent the entirety of covid defying any mask , vaccine, social distancing mandates and threatened Bernards High School if they enforced mask wearing upon his children. The reason I am submitting this isnt because Wally relentlessly tortured others from the time he was in grade school, myself included, my reasoning is because I want something GOOD to come out of his death... in addition to the great news that this rabid antivaxxer can scream and bully no more. I can tell my 5 - 17 year old self that I finally stood up to the kid who bullied me for 12 years."

Anyway, he did actually leave the evidence of his anti-vaxx stance:

Eagles don't care:

Freedom to choose:

He got COVID. It seems to have been around late November:

From his GoFundMe...

It got worse:

He died:

RIP Wally.

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