We stumbled upon Rachael D’Avanzo by accident. We were working on a different anti-vaxxer story and it led us to Rachael.
Rachael has five beautiful young children. She's only 39 years old and the epitome of health. She was promoting an online HITT fitness class at the beginning of the pandemic and got married in mid-2020.

First, I'm going to take a step back and show you how one of our HCA spies discovered Rachael.
We recently featured anti-vaxxer Leila Needles-Blakely on Facebook HCAz. She was living the life in Oregon, spending precious time with her granddaughter and selling vintage collectibles through her online business. Unfortunately, her politics influenced her health decisions. Here's a sample of her antivax posts.
The announcement of Leila's death led our HCA spy to Rachael. A comment on her post is what instigated the investigation.
So let's get back to Rachael. Rachael was quite the anti-vaxxer on FB. Let's see some of the garbage that she shared. The Angel of Death (Ms. Candace Owens) makes an appearance and that's never a good sign. 😱
As we’re scrolling through Rachael’s feed, we find this. Her friend Jon passed away.

I know what you're thinking. Another friend? After already discovering two Covid deaths within this friend group, we had to dig further. We learned that Jon had also passed away due to Covid. Jon’s son-in-law Bill got Covid first and had to go to the hospital. Then his daughter contracted it, as did Jon and his wife the following month. We also learned that Jon’s good friend Steve died from Covid in August 2021. WTF! I don’t know about you, but since the vaccine was released, I sure don't have friends and family dying left and right from Covid.
We didn’t find any antivax posts on Jon’s feed but we did find confirmation that he only needed God to protect him.

Jon, it's a pretty easy decision. You FAFO!

So let's get back to Rachael again. We found no mention that Rachael was sick or hospitalized until her death announcement. It all seemed to be very hush-hush. I wonder why they're so secretive?
RIP Rachael.

When you think it can’t happen to you, COVID will prove differently. How many more children are going to lose a parent? I am so grateful for those who are way smarter than me, who developed this vaccine.The vaccine is our best line of defense.
Please get vaccinated. Get your booster.
Sometimes I like to backtrack & see some of these older stories. Kinda creepy… digital graveyard 🪦… what a sad memorial- to have your stupidity immortalized online…
All I can say here is I am HAPPY this bitch croaked, and suffered along the way to hell. Good riddance shit4brains
Hope he meets that mountain lion in heaven, and he doesn't have a gun this time...........
All those posts and she never considered her children and now she has left 5 young children without a Mother, following some twisted info and her orange God Trump.
Bio dads will regain custody of the first 4 and new hubby will only have the baby. 5 siblings now being raised in 4 different homes, but at least she had her freedumb.