According to this story, Capt. Joe Manning of the Wayne Co. Sheriffs Dept. died of COVID mere days after his diagnosis.

Joe was an anti-vaxxer through and through, and even pushed the heart worm medicine Ivermectin.

Oh well. These anti-vaxxers love their anti-parasite medicine, don't they?
The dumb worm is dead! 😑
God only knows how many citizens get infected by cops who refuse to vaccinate.
Where the hell did the whole ivermectin thing get started anyway? SMDH. Oh well, shoulda worked on a pig.
We're supposed to feel sorty for these nuts? I call it culling the herd. Ban bibles and fake gods and pick a science book.. any book.. just not a book that claims nonsense and falsehoods about pretend gods..
"These anti-vaxxers love their anti-parasite medicine don't they?" They don't just love it! They die for it...
Bye Joe...