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Writer's pictureVaxman

Jason Bettcher, 47, Edmonton, AB, CA. Iron Worker, unvaxxed, dead from COVID.

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

According to this obituary, Jason died on October 17, 2021. As far as sorryantivaxxer entries go, this one is a little different. Jason wasn't an "activist" like most of the others on this site who pushed anti-vaxx views on social media. He did post the "I don't care if you're vaccinated" profile frame that so many anti-vaxxers do, but normally I wouldn't post someone with just that on this profile page. The reason I'm posting Jason is so that everyone can read the tongue-lashing that his wife, Annette, gives anti-vaxxer friends of her husband. Also, she's very open about the pain that she was put through. In fact, she's posting her thoughts, anguish, and memories of her husband every day until his birthday this month. It's heartbreaking, but given the goal of this site, to convince anti-vaxxer holdouts to get vaccinated, this should be posted here. Please show Annette the compassion and respect she deserves.

Please note that there are no "prayer warriors" or a "gofundme" here. Just emotion laid bare.

Here are the only things he posted that exposed his thoughts on vaccines:


It's also a bit worrisome to see this post in 2020 (especially since he was Canadian):

But that's it. Not egregious enough to make the list (by my own self-imposed rules).

Once he gets COVID his wife weighs in on Facebook:

The post continues...


Four days later, she has an update. Ugh, my heart hurts for her:

And this brings me to tears...

This is worth posting for the advice she gives us in the last paragraph:

They decide to take him off life support:

He dies...

Got to be vaxxed or tested for the services...

Thank you, Annette.

RIP Jason.

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Membre inconnu
06 mars 2022

It's nice to see that commenters here last fall were actual human beings, not the raging, seething, bloodthirsty hate-monsters that they are now.


07 nov. 2021

Saddest story ever. My heart breaks as it is so similar to one that happened to a friend of ours recently. Kristen C. Lost her father to this nasty thing. He was a few days away from his vaccination appointment when he and his wife tested positive. Mom recovered, but dad did not. They weren’t even allowed in to see him. Get vaccinated is all I have to say.


S Mac
S Mac
07 nov. 2021

This one brought tears. I am so sorry for Annette and their children's loss. It's all so unnecessary which must make it hurt even more.


Dip Dibbler
Dip Dibbler
05 nov. 2021

Things have slowed down because, I'm assuming, the administrator is having to do work that actually compensates him.

I'm going to post this on Jason Bettcher's page. My son was also named Jason and we are also members of fed recognized Native tribes. To me, Jason is "mitaku" a relative. My son Jason has passed as well. I cannot express the depth of grief I experienced at the loss. I literally lost my mind and have had to seek ongoing treatment.

Yes, I know things like this occur daily around the world but still when this level of tragedy strikes, it is devastating, debilitating, and life-changing for some people. You can not tell someone grieving to simply get over it…

Elizabeth Anderson
Elizabeth Anderson
09 nov. 2021
En réponse à

If anyone has reason not to trust the US or Canadian government, it is indigenous folks. Yet the overwhelming majority of Native people I know are pro-vax and worked really hard to implement safe covid protocols on the reservations. The only Native people I know who are anti-vax are also the same ones who have taken the MAGA pill, of which there are a few. People who find it more comforting to believe that they are just about to hit the big time with business success, or whatever. A few politicians who are lucky enough to have oil money and like the Republican myth that rich people deserve to be rich and poor people are lovers.


05 nov. 2021

I'm weeping for Annette, her kids & even Jason. Man, what a sad sad series of posts. She's a gifted writer, too. I wish her every good thing in life.

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