Greg Hooker runs Greg Hooker Ministries, an online church. I found Pastor Hooker when I was researching previous SAV entry, Yolanda Haney Bentley, because she shared many of his posts over the past few years. Yolanda and many others share Pastor Hooker's posts about God, the end times, prayer...and Covid misinformation. Let's see how Pastor Hooker leads his flock:
Check out his website and under the tab called "Searching for Truth in Current Events" he has links to disgraced Dr. Peter McCullough, the Stew Peters show with Dr. Jane Ruby, and a video from anti-vaxxer, Lisa Marie Carter.

On his Facebook page he shared this post with "INFORMATION TO PONDER." It says Bill Gates is building the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System and it needs an enzyme called Luciferase. He continues that "we might be witnessing the kingdom of Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast system being assembled before our very eyes."

He calls the Covid-19 vaccine the death jab.
"EVERYTHING the FDA and the CDC have told the public about these shots is a LIE!"

He shared some helpful advice on how to fight Covid-19 at home.

If the asparagus and smoothies don't help, take HCQ, Ivermectin, Zinc, and Vitamin D.

Actually, Greg, that information will NOT save your life. (Fact Check here, and here...and here) There are no studies that have been able to prove the effectiveness of Ivermectin as treatment for Covid-19. (Source: ClinicalTrials.gov)
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, improperly using Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 can cause gastrointestinal distress, confusion, ataxia, weakness, hypotension, dizziness, confusion, and seizures. Pastor Hooker should stick to preaching about Jesus and leave the medical advice to the professionals.

I've seen this one circulating a lot in the past few days. Anti-vaxxers are trying to attribute Brignole's death with the Covid vaccine causing Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. However, Brignole's cause of death has not been announced, he was fully vaccinated for 18 months, and SADS is an inherited heart condition and is NOT caused by vaccines.

Whoa, so his wife works in the ICU?!? He continues and says he believes that Covid was "deliberately orchestrated by the China government and urged on by the radical Democrats to stop our President and to steal the election."

Here are some more of his MANY Covid-related posts from his Facebook page:
This didn't happen. More of Hooker's misinformation. Source: Associated Press

Is this some Q-Anon stuff? Testing positive for CV is a code word for taking a deal to be executed?

Moving past the Covid-19 posts, let's see what else Pastor Hooker has to say:
There's a lot to take in with this post. The Deep State traffics children for Satanic rituals and there are hidden bases with demonic extraterrestrial life hidden under the Antarctic ice sheets.

Look out for the "Luciferian Cult" in Hollywood!

PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN from Lady Gaga! She's making the sign of the beast in The Muppets.

Beware of the portal to demons pretending to be your dead relatives, the Ouija Board from Hasboro, available at Wal-Mart or your nearest gaming retailer!

Am I to assume that Greg Hooker Ministries is not friendly to the LGBTQIA+ community?

He has made numerous posts that the end times are near, there's a New World Order coming soon, and that the Covid-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast.
In this video from his YouTube channel, Pastor Hooker discusses the Mark of the Beast. He says the Covid-19 vaccine isn't the Mark of the Beast but it is getting the world acclimated and conditioned for when the Devil arises and takes over. We're also getting closer and closer to the declaration of a New World Order.
The Covid-19 lies and manipulation by the Christian-right and ministers like Greg Hooker is literally killing people. It's irresponsible and dangerous. They gain the trust of their followers by preaching about faith, love, redemption, and everlasting life in Heaven while leading the gullible and vulnerable away from the actual science that can protect them from death or serious illness from Covid-19.
10/19/22 Update: He's on to us!
Our website is not devoted to stopping just one person. It's dedicated to stopping the spread of Covid-19 misinformation, to show the devastating effects of Covid-19, and encourage the vaccination of everyone against this deadly virus so we may finally end this worldwide pandemic.
Click here to read the prayers and comments left for Pastor Hooker and see what they think of us. It's exactly what you would expect. I wonder if fellow SAV alum, Yolanda, will join in the call for prayer?

Ha ha. Things are slow in the anti vaxx movement so someone made up this satirical Pastor Hooker. No one can be this ridiculous…
or, how much money is he making ?????
I kinda just feel sorry for these folks. They are so deluded. It starts with Faux Noise, then the internet rabbit hole.
Bahahaha you know that is the most dopey, uneducated pathetic face I have seen in weeks! Can you imagine how afraid he is of dying???? That’s why he clings to Jesus!
what a fucking goomba! Trying to make a buck on Facebook 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Oh oh, time to troll pastor greg, he published his email address...