One of the more "requested" entries on sorryantivaxxer. According to this obituary Dianna died on September 27, 2021. She's making the rounds on twitter right now as the nurse who presented "evidence" at the Lowell, MI school board meeting. We know she's an anti-masker, was she also and anti-vaxxer?

Let's take a look at her social media posts...
It sort of all starts with this...

Well, on August 10, 2021, she posted this now infamous speech that she was quite proud of:

Here is the actual video:
On August 11 she posted this...

Which links to this:

^^^ So now we know. She WAS an anti-vaxxer.
Not related to her views on vaccines or masks, but interesting in hindsight:

Well, ok. You proved your point.

RIP Dianna.
After all that pontification and grand standing, now she's dead from COVID.
If you read the posts of wannabe “influencers” like Dianna, it’s obvious (and sad and outrageous) they are doing it solely for the attention, not because they believe they are performing some type of community service. How many people and parents fell for her nonsense because she was a nurse? How many people and kids became infected because she was ignorant and craved attention. I am glad this site is a time capsule for the many shameful legacies of these fools.
A nurse? Epitome of RETARD..LOL
Malone might have taken first steps in the mRNA technology in the 80's, but he was far from being the inventor of mRNA vaccines. The first scientist who succeeded in producing a stable immune response in mice via mRNA was Ingmar Hoerr in 2000. In 2005, Katalin Karikó managed to modify mRNA so that it could enter cells, paving the way for the mRNA vaccine. Malone's extremely jealous of other scientists who got more credit for working with mRNA than he did, especially hating on Karikó for continuing to work on what he sees as his intellectual property. The guy actually said it's the same as r-pe, I wish I was kidding. So yeah, he played his role back then,…
Wow ... imagine how many deaths she is responsible for from people who followed and spread her dangerous misinformation. I don't know if this site is a heathy way for me to process my anger, but I feel the world is safer without such people, so I celebrate deaths like this. It's so depressing, especially to see parents leaving children behind. There really should be a license required to have kids. Thank you for keeping this record of the individuals responsible for this continued pandemic and all the needless deaths. I think that putting a name and face to these things matters.