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Arianah Stinnet, 26, Elmira, NY, Personal Care Assistant, anti-vaxx, dead from COVID

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

According to this gofundme Arianah died from COVID. She died on December 27, 2021. She leaves behind her young son and her 16 year old sister whom she had custody of since her mother died. She wasn't the egregious SAV we've had but she documented her entire COVID journey, which I think every anti-vaxxer visiting SAV should read and heed.

Back when this pandemic began, she couldn't say home because she's a healthcare worker:

But she ended up on the dark side:

FYI, the #protectyourfamily was an anti-vaxx story going around FB back in August.

Honestly, I don't know anyone who is for vaccination that thinks you should have a choice. Get fucking vaccinated already!

Nurses especially should be fired if not vaccinated!

That's it. That's all I could find. But then she gets COVID:

Her son Tyler got COVID, too:

COVID tips? (How about getting vaccinated?)

She doesn't like COVID:

Beds are all taken, probably by other COVID patents:

Or...might we suggest...the 8 days treatment?

Oh man, she knows what's up:

She got approved for antibodies:

But there isn't any:

Ok, she's not giving up...

Things are improving...(dead cat bounce we've seen every time?)

Just a couple more days!

She's kept her sense of humor:

Not sure what this means for her prognosis:

Just a couple more days! She's fighting:

She reads the 7 stages of COVID (probably should've read that long ago, but ok):

I think it's getting worse:

Actually, we DO understand, which is why we're vaccinated:


Oh, but she only has another week there. (Hint: no, she doesn't):

Last post:

She died:

Too young! 26 years old.

RIP Arianah.

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Jan 11, 2022

OMG 26? So young! why oh why can’t these nuts just get the damn jab?


Jan 11, 2022

I wonder what became of her son and her sister? Poor kids. I hope they're


Brenda Nicholas
Brenda Nicholas
Jan 08, 2022

Too bad this young lady was stupid uninformed and needed to make a political statement which she died for. I would never trust a nurse that doesn’t believe in science because their whole job is about science. Another one bites the dust


Jan 05, 2022



Gary Shuster
Gary Shuster
Jan 04, 2022

"I'm on 2 different kinds of oxygen". Um, the only oxygen that humans need to breathe is O2. Maybe they gave her O3 (ozone)? Or maybe they just don't teach biology to personal care assistants and she thinks 90% oxygen and 70% oxygen are different kinds of oxygen (same O2, different concentrations).

Jan 13, 2022
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