In most states which have banned abortions, criminal penalties currently apply only to abortion providers, and not women who get an abortion. can aid women in obtaining abortion pills by mail. Foreign doctors prescribe the pills, and foreign pharmacies fill the prescriptions and mail them to the patient. The pills are safe and effective; please spread the word so that women know they have options other than traveling hundreds of miles out of state to obtain an abortion.
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Exempting women from criminal penalties was purely a PR move. Now that the anti-abortionists have the highest church of the land on their side, they will not hesitate to write news laws targeting women who fail to fulfill their role as handmaid.
Another story
Interesting that offshore ships can be used as abortion hospitals perfectly legally if out of the maritime borders
I'm letting this simmer in ye ole synapsis a bit more before I make my official pompous pontificating statements.
However, it is accurate to say that at most times I am fully behind women's rights regarding this subject and very happy for all those who have an optimistic outlook. I specifically hope that their outlook is supported by facts and plans. Treachery is afoot with the repuglicans maybe more so since CIA Bush and Bush the stupid arrived at the presidency.
As is I have to manage my propensity for philosophically jingoistic declarations. BTW I spent some time today researching the word jingoistic. It derives from an (extremely) British patriotic song and the lyric "By Jingo". "By Jingo" further unravels to mean "By Jesus". Being somewhat an antichrist figure to the religious zealots, I am a heathen savage and heretic, it may be contradictory for me to embrace the word. When I come around people sitting in their cars, they lock the doors and firmly clutch their purses By Jingo hee hee.
Frankly, if I were not given to some episodes of diplomacy, I might encourage that we rip these fukers heads off and shit down their necks! But I will refrain from any serious encouragement of those behaviors.
Many pundits I happen upon suggest increasing the number of supreme court judges as a remedy. That might be nice if we could get some wise and qualified dem judges past the lunatic, insurrectionist, fascist, and imbecilic Rethuglicans. BUT dear ole Prez Joe states, almost absolutely, he's not going to do this. I am wondering why Joe B is opposed to this when so many say it is THE solution?
We also need to provide funding to mail millions of sugar pills through the mail to whoever. Let them try to organize a state postal inspection service (usps is quite jealous of its turf, your post box is, after all, FEDERAL PROPERTY). Let them start digging through the homes of millions of Americans trying to prove they were looking for abortion drugs.
Folks, for those of us of a certain age, the term, ‘Monkey Wrenching’ might have some resonance. It is the act of throwing a wrench into the gears. The system is hurting a bunch of people and the assholes say that’s okay? Toss a wrench into the gears and break the machine.
in this case, try with all your might to throw false positives into their fascist process of extraterritoriality.
Its what the Nazi slaves did during WWII in the V2 missile plants, literally swallowing key parts to render the missiles useless…but knowing they’d die of hemorrhage. The least we can do is put a little cement down the toilets at the local court house.
Good info. Am still hoping something positive comes out of this shi*tshow. I don't believe in a literal hell, but if Creator wanted to make one especially for people who make women's lives harder, i'd be ok with that.