Intermingled Rants.
I'm seeing a lot of this xtian crap about a New Christian Society. We used the phrase here "xtian Taliban" to describe and shame really any version or extreme version of this religion and for purposes of mocking them.
Now they are themselves adopting this phrase. You know the saying "If someone tells you who they are, Believe them!" I do believe it! I believe euro colonial Americans truly are the First Nazis implementing terror and genocide against all that is indigenous since they arrived here. We Like to talk about facts here and this is a fact.
The overt and steep uptick toward Xtianity has ignited Lady Liberty's torch with a perverted and ominous light. the Supreme Court now has the death ray of theocracy beaming directly from Lady liberties lamp onto democracy. The core principles of democracy are smoldering. American democracy is burning and throwing off clouds of hypocrisy. The offensive and nauseating stench has filled the air.
The separation of church and state has been placed in the crucible of justice, to burn off the false robes of propaganda and patriotism, To reveal the core of Christian Manifest destiny which has many titles and descriptions at this point. Neo-conservatism, KKK, Neo confederates, Aaryan Nation, Proud boys, Maga, QAnon on and on ad nauseam. These groups are melding Xtianity and governance through the Right Wing. The hope is to re-establish and clarify an earlier false idea that America is and always has been a Christian nation. Yeah you guessed it, Manifest Destiny. I'm tired of the term but it continuously arises sometimes decorated slightly differently but it is near, if not entirely, the same attitude, mindset, and agenda.
I'm not washed in the blood of the lamb nor would I ever consider such an abhorrent act. I'm not saved from the destructive and unsustainable environment America has created. Yup.. going to hell, the hell America makes for me and itself daily....nothing new... Sux! Not eating any symbolic Jesus body parts either thx. Not once in my life have I woke up and said, "Dayum, I needs me a cross and a bible!" I know I'm rude, a heretic, and a blasphemer. As well, I'm not adopting or praising any Abrahamic Religion.
I've thought about the significant delegation of atheists here. There are also Christian contributors at this site. I think it's fair to call them...hmm Christian Apologists (CA). These folk say that some Christian factions are or have misinterpreted the Christian Bible. The newer Christians claim a kinder gentler philosophy that disregards the fire and brimstone of a vengeful God in the Christian Bible. That kind and loving religious idea in itself may be of worth but sharply contrasts with the activities of Christians or most religions. It's a happy thought for them but does not approach the level of repair for the damage the church and religion have generated. I liken it to the mafia, who after decades of unconscionable acts of murder, theft, mayhem, and societal injury, then tries to launder all of these criminal acts through happy thoughts and prayers of religion.
Last summer I was out walking my bestest Friend and Puppy family member. Whew, hot! At 9 am it was about 66F. By 2:30 pm it was about 93F. That's when I ran into Leo Lytle from Texas(s). He has his number on the side of his van so he won't mind if you call him. He'll pull over.
Here he is, Leo, in little Rez Town USA handing out crosses, FOR FREE!!! Damn Free crosses! Look at that! Nope, I didn't talk to him or those with him. He's got that old-time religion for sure! True enough there are lots o natives that are Xtians. Usually, they mix up their practices with traditional ways. Yah, you have to cover all the bases and include a dash of this and that Christianity and traditional practices. Just in case you know one imaginary heaven has better bennies than the other. Including multiple religious paths and figures is like hedging your divine bets. The big churches put fear in yah and a divine decider might kill you with his pointy hat... so best not to exclude them.
This next section looks at mental health issues. It seems reasonable to correlate the unreal nutty miracles and content in religious texts with the unreality mentally ill persons experience. RIGHT? Hearing voices, seeing apparitions, and having visions; are common experiences for both the religious zealot and the mentally ill. You prayed for something and it happened. Coincidence, synchronicity, or absolute truth/proof? Science will usually confirm with exactness why a prayer or curse worked.
Earlier in the week described herein, before observing Leo Lytle's religious cross disbursement, I went to a self-help group meeting. It turns out 2 new female attendees were schizophreniacs. Nope, not making fun of them at all. One of the two was the daughter of a local holy-roller preacher. "That makes sense to me!" I thought. She's been programmed with the unreality of religion and now she has problems discerning reality. Disclaimer: No Mental Health expert here.
"People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality, which causes significant distress for the individual, their family members, and friends...
A diagnosis of schizophrenia often follows the first episode of psychosis, when individuals first display symptoms of schizophrenia...
Patients with schizophrenia also exhibit religious delusions and hallucinations. Further, there is some evidence to suggest that religion influences the level of psychopathology. NIMH
The other woman told me about her out-of-the-body experiences, where she looks back at her body once she leaves it. "Ok, could be"! I thought. These experiences have been getting more intense for her due to Global warming. (?Complete non-sense to me) A few moments later these 2 got into a conversation that I couldn't understand to save my soul (pun). But they yacked on and on. Wow, another aspect of how colonialism has impacted Native mental health. Those who weren't crazy, you fill their minds with nonsense, treat them with cruelty and turn your pervert priests and clergy loose on them until sanity can not be found. I could really go on a long rant about this topic. An aspect of social exclusion is if you're not part of small-town religious community delusions, well, certain opportunities become unavailable to you.
BTW, I remember the Tsunami in Thailand a few years back, There was a news story about how Christian missionaries were withholding assistance and aid until the local Thai's accepted Jesus. "Gimme your soul and I'll share some food and a bandaid" Yup that was the xtian message.
I don't particularly embrace the same zeal some do for either Muslims, Christians, or any other lying bullshitter. As I mentioned, there are religions full of confusing and contradictory stories and really not helpful with their many mixed messages and outright lies. I look at what religion has done " Did it help humanity"? I ask? Are we raising people from the dead? Are we walking on water, Feeding a multitude from a basket of fish and bread, parting seas? Nope.
I saw the true cross of this country, or what it ought to be.
Some won't believe this but it's true. It was located in front of a church on a small but wealthy piece of Tribal land. The cross was perhaps a bit larger than life-size. I can't imagine how much they must have paid for the sculpture with gold features upon it...that's what it was, a piece of art rich in symbolism.
It was the standard Roman torture and death tool, The cross. Upon it hung a crucified Native man in full, humble, Plains Indian style dress. This is the true cross symbol of this Nation.
We, the indigenous, are the man, the woman, and land, symbolic and literal, who your grandfathers' grandfather to the present day Euro American, that your venerated criminal leaders have crucified, Persecuted, Imprisoned and Brainwashed to achieve their ill-gotten gains. Most American believe these lies themselves! Your national methods are saturated with patriotic drivel so that you and others like them/you can feel entitled to have the life, lands, and resources you have exploited, defiled, and enjoyed at the expense.of the indigenous. Mindless vanity allows you to forgive yourselves for multi-generational genocidal policies and crimes against humanity, the crimes of filth, and the pollution of mother earth. The earth is the mother of mankind, the sun the father of mankind, yet here is where you build temples of monetary arrogance where you pat yourselves on the back, give yourselves awards and make stupid and unjust laws that generate outright tyrants and, psychopathic leaders every generation.
"God Is Red
First published in 1972, Vine Deloria Jr.'s God Is Red remains the seminal work on Native religious views, asking new questions about our species and our ultimate fate. Celebrating three decades in publication with a special 30th-anniversary edition, this classic work reminds us to learn "that we are a part of nature, not a transcendent species with no responsibilities to the natural world." It is time again to listen to Vine Deloria Jr.'s powerful voice, telling us about religious life that is independent of Christianity and that reveres the interconnectedness of all living things."
YOU DON'T HAVE TO PRAY OR BELIEVE BUT YOU HAVE TO BE MINDFUL. Natives pray for the earth, the plants, the animals, our families, those suffering and slowly disintegrating from the ever reverberating effects of CONTINUED colonization and exploitation, for the fellow creatures of the earth, and not for personal enrichment or gain. We certainly don't pray for humans to indulge in imperialistic behavior in the name of God. Those aforementioned realistic causes to petition an idea to a higher power is a much truer representation of spirituality in my mind than selfish prayers and petitions for the tawdry items of personal gain and gratification of Americans. Does this make me a commie or simply a person aware that he cannot destroy, exploit and dirty his/her environment without dire consequences? It is in reality a scientific fact.
500 Years of colonization, how many centuries to decolonize from the brainwashing idiocy of America?
That's all I got for now except for the edits done once this is published!
All, I say is thank goodness for logic and critical thinking.
Your use of "xtians" made me giggle because I have friends/family that get upset when I use "xmas", so I'm definitely borrowing your abbreviation.
Recently, I had a discussion with an ultra-religious family member who was telling me these as the signs of the end of times. I asked her how long has she been hearing that phrase and she admitted since a little girl. Religion has promoted the never-taking responsibility for one's actions nor the consequences. They exploit the environment, but act like the extreme weather events are because "god" has predicted it.
What I also find interesting is the quest for some to colonize Mars. They mess-up Earth, instead of addressing issues, their answer is to move somewhere else and do more of the same.