Soo how's it goin? Summer kicking ass for all of us Vaccinated folks? We need a reunion tour!! I know folks don't just show up here, willy nilly, and read old news, but email notifications are still on? Let's get an update thread, I need to see how you lovelies are doing these days!
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So my brother who moved to England at the start of the pandemic is still on his kick about virons and prions and whatever else being injected into people when they get the COVID vaccine. Ugh.
He called our 87 year old dad who believes in science and normal vaccination -- not like the person I just read about here who got 7 flu vaccines this year -- See Walabio's Aug 19 post. My dad had enough of what my brother was spouting off about his antivax stance and his scientist "friend" in Japan with all his research. My dad told my brother, "Call me at a different time. I'm busy watching the DNC." My bro hung up in a huff because waaah waaah waaah, daddy didn't want to hear his antivax "revelations".
It seems like we have 3 flavors of people: antivaxxing conspiracy theorists, normal people who just get vaxxed with the recommendations, and then the 17,000 vaxxing, triple masking, body suit live-in-a-bubble people. Where TF did common sense go?!?!