UPDATES in comments
Rudy is a POS but got no pardon? Or, is it a pardon that he can pull out secretly and at will? It would be nice to know what he and tRUMP have on each other. (More on that below, where Rudy threatened tRUMP) Here are some things about Giuliani’s past that he would rather you FUGEDABOUT… Like his father’s gangster life working as a Mafioso goon… shaking down “customers.
Did you all know that Rudy's dad was a criminal? A mobster who may have also be a hitman? Well here you can hear it from a fellow mobster's book. Few would have ever known, but Giuliani himself let it slip that his dad served time and the Village Voice found the story of Harold Giuliani AKA Joseph Starrett. https://www.villagevoice.com/2000/07/04/thug-life-2/
(these are just snippets of his life... and barely touches on his years of collusion with tRUMP )
Giuliani, tRUMP and James Kallstrom seemed to have quite a racket going in New York. Did they really clean up the NY mob? Or did they simply put down the golden cobblestone to pave the way for the Russian mafia that housed and had an illegal casino right in tRUMP Tower? Between the 3, they had control and sway over a lot of regular people, rich people, law enforcement, criminals, likely mobsters... and money. The allegations have the usual evidence, but like Rudy and tRUMP's dads and the tRUMP crime family, they bribed or coerced their way though life and their higher positions in it. When they pull down New York buldings, "they" make sure the concrete crumbles and is hauled away right away....
The mayor of New York: VIDEOs from 2019: Well, well well…Giuliani says he has “insurance’ that tRUMP will not throw him under the bus… Was it past lies about money laundering? Drug deals and mafia deals? The NY rogue FBI/Giuliani/Kallstrom? Other crimes? All of the above? Scroll down for video 2 …asks if he’s afraid he’s going to be indicted and then 3… asks about Parnas.
“I’ve seen things written like ‘he is going to throw me under the bus.’ When they say that, I say ‘he isn’t, but I have insurance.” Asserts he as a “very good relationship” with Trump. https://twitter.com/kenvogel/status/1198290213547716609 (Also added below but sometimes Wix erases my uploads.)
More here
Rudy “cleaned up New York” like any corrupt piece of shit usually does… making way for the embracing of the Russian mobsters. https://thehatchinstitute.org/all-stories/2018/11/2/exclusive-white-house-advisor-is-allegedly-made-member-of-the-genovese-crime-family Giuliani’s own Russian ties in HIS campaign… in 1999 https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/fbi-tracked-alleged-russian-mob-ties-of-giuliani-campaign-supporter/
Former FBI chief James Kallstrom and Giulianni as bad as Russia working to put tRUMP in office. https://pressbooks.pub/evilsax/chapter/looking-for-rogue-anti-clinton-fbi-agents-start-with-james-kallstrom/
The rest is present day Rudy and his present day woes... Read them bottom up
*** The “whistleblower” Giuliani, Grassley and Comer kept mentioning, who supposedly had all of the goods on the Biden gamily, (See several posts on that below) is not just a crook and on the lam after being released on his own recognizance… you may not recall that he was also DEAD according to the same 3 liars above. https://www.alternet.org/rudy-giuliani-biden-whistleblower-died/
Sept. 2023 A New Rudy Scandal: FBI Agent Says Giuliani Was Co-opted by Russian Intelligence
The whistleblower says his probe of Giuliani’s ties to suspected Russian operatives was thwarted. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/a-new-rudy-scandal-fbi-agent-says-giuliani-was-co-opted-by-russian-intelligence/ FBI raids home of Johnathan Buma, a bureau whistleblower who claimed his Trumpworld investigations were suppressed and has said that 'Giuliani “may have been compromised” by Russian intelligence while working as a lawyer for Donald Trump.' https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/fbi-raids-buma-whistleblower-giuliani/
July 2023 Rudy cannot practice law in Washington and is suspended practicing in New York. Now the bar wants his license removed so he cannot practice at all. https://www.alternet.org/giuliani-bar-association/
Rudy Giuliani has been informed that he’s the target of a criminal probe by Georgia officials investigating former President Donald Trump’s campaign for potential interference in the 2020 presidential election, his lawyer told The New York Times on Monday. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rudy-giuliani-criminal-investigation-georgia-election_n_62fa7c19e4b0a85a81951eea
June 2023 proffer agreement given to Rudy Giuliani. A proffer allows a criminal to confess crimes to the prosecutor… with the understanding that they cannot be prosecuted themselves unless they lie. He and Michael Roman, tRUMP’s head of election day operations instrumental in implementing the fake electors etc., were both proffered… https://youtu.be/rvzYZCdVpDk
May 15, 2023, a female staff says she was promised a million bucks a year to work and give him head… She has receipts. Here are the explicit documents. https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/650033_2023_Noelle_Dunphy_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf
Dec 15, 2022 Giuliani wants only an ethics violation, not loss of license. Long thread… https://twitter.com/ZoeTillman/status/1603411165245227014
Dec 06, 2022. Giuliani is facing charges of violating attorney conduct rules in what is expected to be a two-week hearing before the Washington DC board of professional responsibility. It is seen as an important first case that could lead to further steps against Trump’s team of election-result denying lawyers. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/other/rudy-giuliani-faces-disciplinary-hearing-over-election-lawsuits/ar-AA14WAva
Aug 19, 2022 ‘ It, truly, is nothing short of Giuliani admitting President Trump committed the key elements of the crime under the Espionage Act, 18 USC 793.’ VIDEO: https://twitter.com/rgoodlaw/status/1560616254867644417
Aug 9, 2022 An Atlanta judge has ordered Rudy Giuliani to testify in person before a panel investigating the 2020 election on Aug. 17, unless a doctor can explain why he's unable to do so. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/judge-rules-rudy-giuliani-must-go-to-atlanta-for-election-probe
Aug 8, 2022 Giuliani got a reply letter to appear before the Grand Jury in spite of his Doc saying he can’t fly… The judge has info on Giuliani and shows the evidence... Rudy has been ordered to comply… they will send a bus! (I read the angry letter from the judge with my eyes bugging out... They have obviously had enough of the lies and disrespect of the court as well. Read it here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/22128535-response-giuliani-emergency-motion
This thread on Giuliani and law partners like John Pierce, David Hecht, Carolynn Beck and Jim Bainbridge is mind boggling. Reportedly, John Pierce is on a ventilator due to Covid at the time this story came out (LIes as the story changed often... he was more likely in jail or on a bender) and a week later he remarkably recovered and able to work for his 16 Jan 6 clients… https://twitter.com/DonLew87/status/1384513753794981889
Rudy Giuliani is suspended from practicing law in Washington, D.C. July 2021. https://twitter.com/MacFarlaneNews/status/1412904579788849153
Rudy Giuliani Has Been Suspended From Practicing Law In New York …June 2021. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/sarahmimms/rudy-giuliani-suspended-law-new-york-bar
Giuliani's lawyer tells NPR that the "subpoenas indicate investigators are seeking Giuliani's communications with ... Parnas and Fruman" as well …And yes, indeed, the Timeline includes meetings with Giuliani, Solomon, Parnas, Fruman, Toensing and NUNES' top aide (#4 in thread) https://t.co/4bOtlwgfsw?amp=1
NYT broke the story of the FBI raid on Giuliani, April 18, 2020. https://t.co/cABIlnG2NE?amp=1
"Asking a Judge to Unseal Files, Rudy Giuliani's Lawyers Demand Explanation for 'Extremely Damaging' Claim That He Might Destroy Evidence" https://t.co/vqbPWb3kTF?amp=1
Rudy Giuliani's lawyers ask to unseal affidavits for the FBI search warrant. They insist that implying that Giuliani "might destroy evidence or intimidation" is , and strains credulity and damaging" to his reputation. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.559603/gov.uscourts.nysd.559603.14.0.pdf
May 2022 The Justice Department is investigating the role of pro-Trump lawyers, including Rudy Giuliani, in a plan to put forward alternate electors to overturn the 2020 election. https://t.co/7i1LKJNvT7
July 2023 45 page indictment includes Rudy as 1) Lawyer co-conspirator… https://lawandcrime.com/trump/former-president-donald-trump-indicted-for-efforts-to-overturn-2020-presidential-election/
Aug 15, 2023 Rudy Guiliani charged in Georgia RICO case with 13 charges… as tRUMP’s co-conspirator… 'Perfect irony': Giuliani faces RICO charge similar to one he popularized as prosecutor. https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/trump-indictment/perfect-irony-giuliani-faces-rico-charge-similar-to-one-he-popularized-as-prosecutor-102288388?id=102210663
Georgia election worker case whereby he accused them of a vast election fraud: Rudy did not provide information for a deposition. Judge Beryl Howell ordered Giuliani to clarify his stipulations to something clear and understandable and Giuliani did not do so … judge ruled in favour of plaintiffs, Freeman’s and Moss’s motion for via a default judgement. “default judgment will be entered against defendant Rudolph W. Giuliani on his liability for plaintiffs’ defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, civil conspiracy, and punitive damage claims, pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.” Giuliani has lost the defamation case on the merits, and the only remaining issue to be determined is how much in damages he owes the women. https://themessenger.com/politics/rudy-giuliani-fined-132000-in-ongoing-defamation-lawsuit-filed-by-georgia-poll-workers
The order, with sanctions, is here: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720.93.0_2.pdf
Sept 2023 - online 80 bucks per view & 50/50 draw!

FAFO Rudolph
Giuliani disbarred in N.Y. over false statements about 2020 election. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/02/giuliani-disbarred-new-york/
The POS is still doing a RW podcast and calling himself America's mayor while he spews the RW agenda. It boggles my mind that Americans are panicking over the river of shit coming out of a'holes like tRUMP, Bannon and Giuliani...
Karma still has a lot of work left to do...
As of yesterday I posted elsewhere that Giuliani was "missing," AKA hiding from a the AX RICO case subpoena. As a supposed lawyer, Giuliani knows that is a very BAD IDEA when it comes to criminal cases!
May 17, 2024 After hiding out for weeks, agents from Arizona knew exactly where Rudy was last night at 11 pm.
"2 criminals in a pod(cast)"
Bannon and Giuliani made several podcasts during the birthday bash yesterday. The "bankrupt" POS party was hosted by Caroline Wren in Palm Beach with 200 people attending. https://pagesix.com/2024/05/16/gossip/rudy-giuliani-celebrates-80th-birthday-in-nyc-and-palm-beach/
Make that 3...
Arizona Attorney General confirms Rudy Guiliani served indictment after taunting prosecutors
Rudy has erased his taunting post, of course... (Sorry about the shitty source but the mainstream has not yet caught up... The NY Post says people were screaming and crying) https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/nobody-is-above-the-law-rudy-giuliani-served-with-new-indictment-during-his-birthday-party-just-after-boasting-online-he-would-avoid-the-authorities-and-the-charges/
rhc212 added the taunted post on main pagerhc212
Apr 19, 2024 Previously: Giuliani’s creditors filed more than a dozen subpoenas in his bankruptcy case, serving to "Giuliani’s son Andrew , president of his third-party litigation defense fund; Maria Ryan, who co-hosts a podcast with Giuliani; and to Giuliani’s former assistant. The committee also filed document requests for corporate entities affiliated with Giuliani, and to Giuliani himself." https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/giuliani-s-son-former-aide-hit-with-subpoenas-in-asset-search-1.2061533
After his radio show was canceled, Rudy put his apartment back on the market for 400k less than previously asked. The three-bedroom, three-bath co-op on the East Side is now listed for a mere... $5.7 million. https://www.mansionglobal.com/articles/mansion-global-daily-rudy-giuliani-cuts-price-of-new-york-city-co-op-a3de068b
Rudy needs to be in jail... but his FBI and mob contacts keep protecting him.
There are so many MAGA minion morons to mock, but this one takes the cake. This is his statement that is chock full of lies, other than him saying his mobster father would be proud of him...
Jim Carry said a lot without words...
Rudy Colludy in Ukraine digging up dirt on Bidens from former corrupt officials who have an axe to grind. Mobster daddy was also a shake down artist...so yes, he is proud.
Karma is so sweet. Being ordered to pay $148m in damages to the 2 defamed election workers is about all you pieces of traitorous lying sacks of shit deserve.
He still owes his lawyers millions, his law license was suspended in New York and he’s facing disbarment in Washington over his actions outlined in this case. That this will be the ruination of a POS old man? The jury and karma did the right thing...
What is Rudy Giuliani's net worth in 2023? Here's a look into his assets amid defamation trial.
POS! How will the future find good people to be election workers after the MAGA minions have done this to so many people? Giuliani had to face Shaye Moss yesterday. His lawyer says that this trial and monetary judgement (it was prejudged that Giuliani will pay damages; the trial will tell how much $) will kill him. No comment...
Ruby Freeman takes the stand today to talk about how it afected their lives and STILL DOES!
And of course... he does a tRUMP...
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd, it is possible that Giuliani defamed GA election workers again. See the second E. Jean Carroll trial for that deja Vu feeling.
Judge Beryl Howell, overseeing the jury trial in the Georgia election workers' defamation case, was irate yesterday during the pretrial hearing whereby Rudy disobeyed Howell's order to show up to court. Giuliani's lawyer said it was his fault and that he misunderstood the order.
You in Deep Doody Rudy!
Update on Ghouliani:
Rudy Colludy has been quite busy.
Suing Biden:
That is not likely to go anywhere being... Rudy Giuliani has lobby connections to Ukraine, Russia, Venezuela, Romania, Turkey, Quatar, Iran, Brazil, Columbia and more and still worked with them AND for the tRUMP as outside counsel and yet insisted he need not register as a foreign agent as he is not lobbying IN AMERICA, he is lobbying elsewhere and not in the USA. He was lobbying for America in support of a “president” so who is he kidding? Calling him a “Russian pawn” was hardly without merit, being he created back channels and travelled
There are many stories just like that... where he acted as "tRUMP's attorney" and surrogate Pawn of foreign dictators.
Besides the Parnas and "FraudGuarantee" fiasco:
“The US government announced today that Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach is an "active Russian agent." Rudy Giuliani and OANN collaborated with an "active Russian agent [or SPY] to hurt Biden's campaign. Did Mnuchin throw him under the bus to save tRUMP and Pompeo? "Andrii Derkach and other Russian agents employ manipulation and deceit to attempt to influence elections in the United States and elsewhere around the world," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. https://t.co/pI7fmigi60?amp=1
Losing his state licenses and many pending cases:
He is the unindicted co-conspirator in Jack Smith's case in D.C., the 13 felony counts pending in Georgia, and the Hunter Biden suit, the Dominion and Smartmatic cases, a sexual garrassment charge and more. (See below)
His Defamation trial is in December:
I am looking forward to it as POS Giuliani defamed and ruined 2 election worker's lives after they had faithfully worked for many years as so many people have in the past, to make sure elctions go as seamlessly. It is all over but the crying and paying for RUDY!
After being sanctioned three times this year for not providing documents requested, then again not providing after being being ORDERED to do so, TWICE, Rudy lost the defamation case on the merits. Rudy was also ordered to pay for the attorney fees of the defamed election workers, Shay Moss and Ruby Freeman. and had not done so.
U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell has truly had enough, and she has a new order which instructs Giuliani that just how the court proceedings will ensue, and it contains even more bad news for Rudy:
Was Rudy ever really a good lawyer? Or was he just a corrupt and loyal one, ala Roy Cohn?
I forgot to add in the main post that the Manafort Bros… (of Paul Manafort jr, family), worked for Paul Manafort senior. Rudy had the Manafort Brothers Construction clean up all the 9/11 debris before it could be investigated. Here is a rundown on the real Rudy and 9/11 that his PR people never let the public see... https://alexandraerin.substack.com/p/the-myth-of-americas-mayor
Nicely done ICU. 👏👏👏🥰