UPDATE 1 in comments.
SURPRISE! They are republicans!
Kim Phuong Taylor took advantage of other Vietnamese immigrants by illegally filling out election forms and ballots. The hypocrisy and projection is strong with the Repukes.
Jeremy Taylor ran in the GOP congressional primary against former Rep. Steve King in June of 2020. He came in a distant third behind King and Randy Feenstra, who won the primary and was subsequently elected to the U.S. House for the 4th District.
Using the same illegal tactics
In November 2020, Taylor was elected to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors by a margin of two thousand votes, or 5%. He still serves on the board today.
He had to resign from that same position in the past because he lived outside his voting district. Election Commissioner Pat Gill, the only Democrat who holds a public office in Woodbury County, revoked his voting rights at the time.
Gill also said he witnessed both Kim and Jeremy Taylor dropping ballots off at a drop box outside the Woodbury County Courthouse. He alerted the FBI, who then investigated. The prosecution also said evidence showed Taylor’s voter forms had similar handwriting. They showed the jury several voting forms to try and prove their point.
A firefighter from the Des Moines area, testified he wasn’t even a resident of Iowa at the time election documents were filled out for him against his knowledge. Her husband remains unindicted (but is called an unindicted co-conspirator so there is hope he too faces consequences... maybe...) and in still his job as county supervisor for some reason. https://www.iowapublicradio.org/ipr-news/2023-11-21/woodbury-county-supervisors-wife-found-guilty-of-52-counts-of-voter-fraud
So, these are 2 of the so called "2000 mules" that the GOP claim the left to be... every accusation is a confession.
I am sad that no one corrected the Ohio memes I had here originally. How embarrassing!
Ohio memes would fit right in though . It's bad here . Real bad 😕