UPDATE in comments
Gabriel Augustin Garcia, Florida, Proud Boys and Veteran Army Captain... Owns Supreme Aluminum Florida; a roofing/awning company. Gabriel Garcia ran for election to the Florida House of Representatives … Garcia lost in the Republican primary on August 18, 2020. “We just went ahead and stormed the Capitol. It’s about to get ugly.” Around him, a large crowd chants, “Our house!” And yelling at police, and he's an instigator! “You ain’t stopping a million. You ain’t gonna hold a million back today." As he was stopped by a police line, he screamed that the police were fucking traitors... He can be heard in Videos yelling “Nancy come out and play.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQzDZsa5xGI&t=80s
2) CHARGES and DOJ Documents: Civil Disorder; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted 2) Building or Grounds; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building. https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1356776/download **Indicted on six(6) counts Pleaded not guilty to all counts. Defendant remains on Personal Recognizance Bond. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi- defendant/file/1377706/download Prosecutors obtained Proud Boy Gabriel Garcia's Paypal records, and more: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.227707/gov.uscourts.dcd.227707.26.1.pdf Superseding indictment https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1459406/download
2) While on a personal recognizance bond, insurrectionist Gabriel Garcia said his name was lesgo Brandon, a “joke” that means fuck Biden, at a public school meeting. This POS is a Proud Boy asshole and yet he was an Army Captain? WTAF America? Is the military now 8Chan/Kek/ PeePeefrog gamer trolls??? https://twitter.com/Shimha18/status/1451354323921739776
“Inside the meeting Gabriel Garcia sat next to an attendee and told them “just wait until you get outside.” In the below screen shot of a Proud Boys chat they brag about their intimidation tactics. https://twitter.com/MIAagainstFash/status/1451035259282264070
3) Gabriel was able to convince the court to modify his curfew so he could attend “networking events” like the above 5/25 Floridians First event at Bru’s Room, their 7/17 Cuba rally, the Miami school board & many other protests alongside his fellow sapingo Miami Proud Boys. https://twitter.com/MIAagainstFash/status/1438595511037186048 He got permission to go to Nashville TN for supplies for his awning company… He spent 5 minutes in the store, and this fellow searched to see there was already a store… in MIAMI!!! https://twitter.com/MIAagainstFash/status/1438608445549289478
4) Cpt Gabriel Garcia on a January 6 chat...denigrating judges and calling Ianni’s judge a thug… https://twitter.com/sfoguj/status/1519670969555636225/photo/1
5) Gabriel Garcia wants a firearm. Many of those who ask are getting them back.... https://t.co/EXDdWaa358
6) Cpt. Gabriel Garcia, Proud Boy and insurrectionist, still proudly wears his military uniform in his telegram channel. https://t.me/CPTGABRIELGARCIA Cpt Gabriel Garcia interview with Nancy Pelosi’s daughter: https://t.me/CPTGABRIELGARCIA/169
Here he is saying he has no regret for expressing first amendment rights. He insists there were not cops or barricades… And yet, on his own videos, as he was stopped by a police line, he screamed that the police were fucking traitors and repeated it… He can be heard in his OWN VIDEOS yelling “Nancy come out and play.” It is from a violent movie where a psycho yells it… so everything he says in the interview is countered by the reality of what he actually did and said that day in his videos. His eyes dart back and forth as he lies and lies… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQzDZsa5xGI Here he says he respected the red crowd control barriers at 3:05 https://youtu.be/SQzDZsa5xGI?t=185 Here are the red crowd barriers ON THE FLOOR as he walks over them, yelling “Nancy come out and play.” 1:20 https://youtu.be/SQzDZsa5xGI?t=80 and here he is calling police traitors and yelling at them. 3:53 https://youtu.be/SQzDZsa5xGI?t=234
7) Garcia is now giving it all up to god… https://twitter.com/sfoguj/status/1561420783821283328 Here he is being an asshole… at Death SAntis event… https://twitter.com/sfoguj/status/1561421651224367105
8) Gabriel Garcia considering "public authority" defense https://www.law.com/nationallawjournal/2022/01/28/jan-6-defendant-will-argue-trump-gave-permission-for-capitol-riot/
9) Wants a trip to Puerto Rico shortly after a trip to Arizona… PB Gabriel Garcia, Both were GRANTED…FFS https://twitter.com/sfoguj/status/1616549228851122176 (Also, see 3) in the story)