UPDATES in comments...
According to SEC filings, Trump Media generated $3.38m in +revenue in the first 9 months of 2023 and a $49 m net -loss during the same period.

Twitler cannot Tweet on X as per his contract with "truth" social, so he has to use it to lie to his MAGA morons. Calling his disinformation and lies a "truth" and when reposted, it is called a re-truth. His nitwit followers have not all been caught up in that clown show. On old Twitter tRUMP had millions of followers and millions of like and retweets, whereas he rarely gets more than a few thousand likes on his own platform
His online "soldiers" are merely trolls, many of them paid, and many from foreign places have been pumping up stock to make tRUMP's garbage site look worthy to buy. Sadly, there are lots of MAGA Morons who are willing to buy anything he regurgitates, rich people who want to help him back in power to get them more tax cuts and ... foreign entities who want what tRUMP has offered them in the past... anything and everything, as long as it is good for tRUMP in the end.
So who is jacking up the price by a whopping 400%?? The same little shits who jacked up Bitcoin, gold and silver and shorted game stop stock, penny stock and the crappy DOGE coin Elon also pimped.
I made a picture of them for you...
Some are also Q nutters... who flocked there for the MAGA lies and conspiracies. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/28/us/politics/trump-social-media-extremism.html
And people like this asshole... because as much as he pretends to be ethical and hate tRUMP, still put money in his pocket...
How I’m Helping Donald Trump Post His $557 Million Bond
A sample tRUMP grift ad on "tRUTH" social
tRUMP can't post elsewhere by contract, nor can he sell his huge majority of shares until 6 months from now... but he may get board approval to do deals now. Normally, no ethical board would approve!! The "truth " board, however, consists of assholes like Kash Patel and Diaper Don Jr, so yes, they may allow tRUMP to sink the company...
Last year the company should have gone under. The SEC was "investigating" the merger, insider trading, money laundering and yet allowed it to happen and here we are? Are tRUMP minions still running the SEC? https://boingboing.net/2023/03/15/trumps-truth-social-under-investigation-for-laundering-loans-connected-to-putin.html
The SEC may be compromised... and to see how easy it would be... https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/192qjgr/if_this_isnt_crypto_market_manipulation_and/
Truth social actual truth - Michael Popok explains how a company can pretend to be worth $6 billion to Trump supporters, who will be crushed when Trump sells or borrows against his 80 million shares of stock to go public next week.
It is shit stock, and if they let him borrow on his shares, and the company does not go under, it means foreign investors will have propped it up. Congrats USA, you have a former president who is beholding to even more countries who is running to be in power again and the SEC will be responsible for that happening...

I just took this screenshot... DWAC:
New shares traded by stock symbol - D J T!!! The J stands for Jenius!
tRUMP's bankrupt Hotels and Casino Resorts also traded under DJT. https://www.alternet.org/trump-public/
After taking a dive towards oblivion that would have meant tRUMP would not get an earnout bonus on April 23, , tRUMP and his grifting minions illegally pimped his worthless stock to prop it up. And it worked. (See Update 9)
Tim Pool, working for Russia...and tRUMP
tRUMP media shares stock symbol - D J T -
The J stands for Jenius!
Reminder: tRUMP's bankrupt Hotels and Casino Resorts also traded under DJT. https://www.alternet.org/trump-public/
tRUMP media shares stock symbol - D J T!!!
The J stands for Jenius!
Reminder: tRUMP's bankrupt Hotels and Casino Resorts also traded under DJT. https://www.alternet.org/trump-public/
Like tRUMP gives a shit?
Truth(less) (anti)Social
Makes 1984 look tame and lame. Only lying tRUMP is the truth and the way!
Forbes: Trump Media Stock (DJT) -
The 2nd Quarter Earnings Report Needs Explanation
With those holding the shit stock being able to dump on Sept 22/25, that will likely be a shitshow. Erm, MORE of a shitshow.
PS: Nothing from nothing makes NOTHIN'!
As always...
Never underestimate stupidity of MAGA Morons
13 is my lucky number.
I dearly hope it is LOSER45's unlucky one...
WTF is happening today?
It looks bad... and not for the first time
I mean they have no freaking income...
And this is what the stock history looks like
But why is DJT not showing today's numbers?
I am so freaking confused...
And is the SEC full of tRUMPers?
Why are they paving the way for the skeezy administration to make a bundle more, while stockholders are having their stocks diluted? How is this freaking mess even continuing?
Speaking of Skeezy freaking messes...and WTFs
Who’s behind the mysterious DJT coin?
Martin Shkreli claims ownership with Barron tRUMP. There is no way Shkreli should even be out of jail and yet...
I am likely not long for this planet, and I am more and more OK with that by the day...
A slumping pump and dump
How apropos...
More DJT Moos
Trump Media's Devon "sue an online cow today" Nunes, 'accused financial firms of engaging in naked short sales, which involve betting a stock will fall without borrowing or owning the shares. Such a practice can be illegal.'
This was the news yesterday... after a week long trial not far from where tRUMP's trial is taking place. Teflon Don had nothing to do with this... as it was before the merger. I am sure all of the transactions and trading were totally a mystery to the largest shareholder of tRUMP media... and it's board.
Trump Media investor convicted of insider trading ahead of merger
Bruce Garelick was on the board of directors of DWAC, and although he made $49,000, the Shvartsman brothers he shared the info with earned $23 million. The brothers were charged in April. (See UPDATE 3) That is it though. I am sure that after hearing the previous accounting firm committed massive fraud... (See UPDATE 10) that is it. All else was on the up and up! /S
That was the news yesterday, yet, here is what you see when you search for DJT. Not a speck of connection to news that might affect the stock and barely a flicker in its ever so bloated price even as tRUMP's trial continues. IOW, more of the sane insanity.
SEC accuses tRUMP Media’s accounting firm of massive fraud
Affected more than 1,500 regulatory filings.
A ‘sham audit mill’
Created false papers of "documented" work
Did nonexistent work and refiled old audits
Held fake meetings
tRUMP media was their biggest client
1 person handled 147 audits alone
Permanently suspended from practicing
Still listed as I write this as tRUMP media accountants
No one was charged... not the company and no individuals
The totals fines were 14 million.... the usual slap on the hand
An addendum to UPDATE 9
Why did the SEC wait this long? It would have been nice to have this happen BEFORE trump's freaking billions windfall. Are there MAGAs in there protecting him? The answer is likely yes, being their investigation thus far did not even include tRUMP media, and the government DROPPED previous investigations of tRUMP MEDIA! *See why in updates 1 and 2... below
Just last month, Devin Nunes ask Congress to interfere with what was a perfectly legal shorting of tRUMP Media stocks... and their campaign kept the value of stock high so that DJT could get extra share bonus from DJT as noted above... As usual everything tRUMP touches dies. But not before he screws everyone else and cashes in.
Insiders own 70% of DJT stock... and tRUMP owns almost 60%. That is insane. How is he allowed to pimp his worthless pumpndump stock? tRUMP's charity, "university", company and chief accountant have all been charged with fraud. And tRUMP himself... Trump Media and was found to have a 100% deficiency rate in their audits some time ago! There had better be more investigations as those who are propping this up might be money launderers,bad foreign actors and influence buyers who want a job in tRUMP's cabinet.
I hope this is true! It is a very interesting article that answers a lot of questions...
tRUMP Media knew they were hiring criminals... and it looks as though the SEC did as well. HOW COULD THEY NOT? Rgw SEC is looking like an arm and an extension of tRUMP fraud... and were I American, I would be asking WTF is going on!
Everyone knew long ago!
tRUMP Media accountant's name changed in filings
A Financial Times review of Borgers’ filings last month: the spelling of the firm’s name incorrect , changed 14 times
Nov 2023: Borgers' firm removed from the AICPA
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' peer-review program.
AND YET: March 2024
The Board approved keeping the accounting form KNOWING that they were fraudulent...
FYI Insider's shares
Yahoo Finance has put together the nightmare of stats that would tell serious investors to stay away from DJT... which also tells you who would "invest" in such garbage. Criminals, bad foreign actor bribes, money launders, billionaires who want their taxicuts extended permanently and MAGA morons.
There is a huge overlap of that list: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/01/oligarch-hide-asset-rich-yacht/
All of that propping up worked...
TEFLON DON II is now going to get 36 m more shares of his Media company today. Propping up his shares after a pump and seeing it careen into the toilet where it should be was thwarted by his illegal efforts shown in update 8. (Pimping and pumping worthless stock is illegal) https://www.taf.org/what-is-pump-and-dump-scheme/
He needed the shares to remain above $17.50 until today's close to get an “earnout” bonus. Once he does the stock will likely go further down the drain because those who were manipulating the stock will want to get out before it collapses. (But may still try to get it back up and tease the market to make even more...)
Calling SEC and FiNcen!
Sigh, I still can't add pictures... but it is trading right now at 32.15.
I added the screenshot at the bottom of the main post. (If I were American I would be reporting him and Nunes to the FEC. The government agencies seem to wait until people get really pissed off before taking action. I am sure that will improve if tRUMP gets elected again! /S)
DJT Stock Short Sellers
DJT Stock rose 3 days in a row… and this is why.
The Truth Social Owner Is Showing Stockholders How to Block Short Sellers. It is in tRUMP's campaign site as well. https://www.barrons.com/articles/djt-trump-media-truth-social-stock-price-short-sellers-today-9157f5fc
tRUMP is a majority shareholder and should NOT be giving advice on it... Besides his pump and Dump, this advice is helpful for tRUMP himself in many ways... which means the SEC needs to step in again.
If you prefer to hear it spoken... here you go. At the end, Ben also talks about the company having a DEI policy... when tRUMP's advisor and resident asshole, Stephen Miller, has been SUING companies for still having it.
D J T - The J stands for Jenius!
A LOSER45 minion rubbing it in! The pimp who is pumping the dump know what he is doing and Mikey does not if this is true. In tRUMP speak, there is no "U" in "I" or "me"
Keeping it above 20 for another week is going to be really tough... Mumes annopunced to day that they would be a place to stream content no one else will carry. That must mean Garbage like Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, homophobes, Neo Nazis... etc. Well too bad, so sad and too late because:
Verified pro-Nazi X accounts flourish under Elon Musk
D J T - The J stands for Jenius!
What does gall mean? What does grift mean? And what is the meaning of gouge?
tRUMP pimping the pump in his dump...
Forbes has a warning...
Sell Trump Media Stock (DJT) Now - An Implosion Is Likely
Atop the previously discussed negative facts are these destructive issues:
Insider infighting over stockholdings
Competing insider shareholder lawsuits
First insiders now wanting to sell
Feeble responses by Trump Media CEO Nunes in interview by Fox Business News
Still-open new million-share spigot from the convertible securities and contracts that are converting
Highly diluting "bonus" 40M share issuance if the stock can remain above $17.50 for 20 of 30 days. (Counting the March 26 merger day, the number on April 12 would be 18.)
Key share price breakdown below $35 barrier (see graph below)
I love that, even though barely visible, the screenshot of his stock plummeting daily fits nicely over where Google places LOSER45's ugly mug...
This one is gonna hurt a POS who is all about lies, money and status.
From Genius Canadian cartoonist, and Order of Canada winner... Michael; deAdder...
"I spent 24 hours on Trump’s Truth Social so you don’t have to. No wonder it’s tanking." https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-04-03/i-spent-24-hours-on-trump-truth-social-so-you-dont-have-to
Lie Social made $4 million in revenue last year, with 58 million in losses, yet Trump Media is paying CEO Devin Nunes $1m in salary and handing out $600,000 bonuses. https://t.co/cmcA7b8GBj Calling SEC and FINcen...
Speculating on DJT stock... as I envision the futures...
тя☭мρ компромат тя☭мρ компромат тя☭мρ компромат тя☭мρ компромат тя☭мρ
It has been just over a year since I added any fresh Russian connections to tRUMP on file. It has 259 pages with a few lines of info and pertinent URLs. And that is just what we KNOW!
Report finds sketchy money with Russia ties helped Trump Media stay afloat
'Drew Harwell, technology reporter for The Washington Post, explains the details of new reporting in The Guardian about how a bank with Russian ties gave Trump Media millions while the company underwent a securities investigation, and how it all connects to recent guilty pleas in an insider trading investigation.'
If you prefer to read about it, here is the Guardian original reporting yesterday:
Some of Anton Postolnikov's comrafes have also been arrested recently for money laundering. It makes one womder why the SEC/FinCEN would allow the merger, given the freaking investigation and Russian money ties. Are they MAGA in there as well?
And today from the Guardian:
Trump Media deal faces calls for inquiry over alleged ‘influence peddling’
Comer is too interested in his squirrel campaign trying to get people to believe that tRUMP is not a criminal but Biden is, with no evidence. These GQP a'holes suck! There are likely multiple oligarchs and despots propping up this POS bubble, and they are not all foreign...
And also yesterday:
2 brothers who helped fund Trump Media company plead guilty to insider trading
We will know soon whether or not tRUMP will be bought by foreign entities or the special monitor will allow this to go on... and I would have said the SEC, FinSEN and CIA being this is their supposed forte... but no... it may well be that another fix is in... besides the Yass connection discussed earlier.
Douche Bank and El Douche may have found a way to get the gang back together...
Fiction VS Reality:
Here is Gary Gensler SEC GOV to tell you all about the role they play and why...
Here is GOV telling with ACTIONS that they are pretty damn shitty at deterring crooks... with slaps on the hand.
Fines that are a minuscule amount of the theft helps no one but the corrupt... like this POS... tRUMP was caught money laundering and paid fines each time. Rudy Giuliani seems to have been helping tRUMP stay out of jail for a long time… this one for many instances from early 1990’s to 1998. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/22/politics/trump-taj-mahal/index.html
1979, The Dirty Deal That Helped Make Donald Trump. How city and state officials, real estate operators, lawyers, and bankers came together in a multimillion-dollar deal to rebuild the Commodore Hotel, largely at public expense. https://www.villagevoice.com/2019/02/28/the-dirty-deal-that-helped-make-donald-trump/
The money laundering FINCEN documents saying tRUMP casinos money laundered from 2003 to 2015 and fined for 10 million. https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long
January 28, 1998: The $477,000 settlement amount is for BSA violations which occurred at the casino from April 1990 through December 1991. The violations are based on failures to file Currency Transaction Report by Casino forms (CTRCs) within the time period prescribed by the BSA.TTMA was cited for these BSA violations as the result of an Internal Revenue Service (IRS)compliance examination. https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-announces-penalty-against-trump-taj-mahal-associates
Implicating tRUMP organization for money laundering at Trump properties https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/us-politics/trump-properties-us-congressional-testimony/article37663448/
The sale of a Florida property is evidence of money laundering, NOT tRUMP’s negotiating skills… https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/article/Did-Putin-buy-Donald-Trump-13463782.php
Rudy has a long history with tRUMP. It is a match made in Hades. Corrupt U.S. Attorney Giuliani ended an FBI investigation into Trump’s money laundering scheme in exchange for Trump raising/donating at least $2 Million to Giuliani’s mayoral campaign. It went away without so much as a case number… https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/4/20/1758614/-1988-Giuliani-Had-FBI-End-Investigation-of-Trump-Money-Laundering-Trump-raised-2M-for-Giuliani
Just look at Rudy now, using fake info and Russian disinfo to help tRUMP and using fake "evidence" to call the Biden family a crime family. https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1178390880933285888
Or they *do nothing because money talks... money walks...
‘Why We Let White-Collar Criminals Get Away With Their Crimes’ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/29/books/review/big-dirty-money-jennifer-taub.html
Public watchdog group CLC “supplemented FEC complaint alleging that Trump illegally laundered $769M in campaign spending through a shell company. Kushner helped set up the shell company & its board included Trump and Pence family members.” Complaint here: https://campaignlegal.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/01-28-21%20Trump%20MUR%207784%20supplement.pdf
2017 the Trump Treasury department drops an investigation into Axos or its predecessor….. 2022 Trump gets loaned $100M. Bank CEO Is a Donor. “Axos gave The Trump Organization a loan for $100 million to refinance the Trump Tower despite lacking solid financial reports after its accounting firm declined to back 10 years of financial statements that they produced for The Trump Organization,” so really sketchy and money laundering sounding business. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-100-million-loan-trump-tower-bank-ceo-donor-2022-3
Likely money laundering: ‘Towards the end of last year, federal prosecutors started examining two loans totaling $8m wired to Trump Media, through the Caribbean, from two obscure entities that both appear to be controlled in part by the relation of an ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin, the sources said.’ ‘The first $2m payment to Trump Media came in December 2021 when the company was on the brink of collapse after the planned merger with DWAC – that would have unlocked millions for the company – was delayed when the SEC opened an inquiry into whether the arrangement broke regulatory rules.’ https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/15/trump-media-investigated-possible-money-laundering
PS: Even as they found insider trading and 3 people are being charged, the Untrth social merger still went ahead... with SEC approval.
*I have many more pages of this and his Deutche Bank deals...
MAGAnuts are the only ones buying his TS and DWAC penny stocks. DWAC is a corrupt shell. DWAC's current price/earnings ratio is a minus 95. Truth Social has been in business for at least 3 years and has only 1 million followers. FB started in 2007 and by 2010 everyone was using it. Shorting DWAC is the only way to make $ on it.
PS Elon Musk said he'd never consider loaning Trump any money. LOL.
One of the major share-holders of the SPAC (and now DWAC) is Susquehanna International Group - co-owned by Jeff Yass and Arthur Dantchik, early investors in ByteDance/TikTok.
Yass/Susquehanna specializes in short term trades... shorting. IOW he games the system and wins. Like tRUMP, he also games the IRS and wins. Susquehanna and Jeff Yass "has avoided $1 billion in taxes while largely escaping public scrutiny. He’s now pouring his money into campaigns to cut taxes and support election deniers."
(And is of course anti-Biden who wants more IRS funding and workers, to give the IRS more teeth, and to tax the rich and was thwarted by the GQP for this very reason!)
Addendum: Yass tRUMP, I 'll give you that bond...
Trump met with a billionaire GOP donor with a big stake in TikTok just days before he publicly tried to save the app.
(TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, is based in China)