UPDATE 39: The GQP Cult - This is Fine...1 can be found here: https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/update-39-the-gqp-cult-this-is-fine-1
British journalist Emily Maitli asked Marjorie Taylor Greene why there are so many conspiracy theorists that follow tRUMP and she replies... "you're a conspiracy theorist... We like the truth." Then when asked about her conspiracy theory, tells Maitli to fuck off about her Jewish space lasers. This is a person on tRUMP's VP shortlist.
Elon Musk says he is not donating to either president, yet he visited Palm beach twice last week - once within 10 mins of tRUMP landing there as well.
tRUMP says he is not worried about the money he owes... Gee, where and from whom might that money be coming from?
At an SC rally, a delusional woman says trump has morals, means what he says and is a promise keeper. W T F?
At a NC rally, Empty Greene's BF interviews a QOP child who has been groomed for hate.
I am so happy I can once again add pictures ... because I am not done with her yet...
Fred Flintstone is an asshole in this century... and he deserves this humiliating statement from his former boss. Yabba Dabba DooDoo!
Pastor Loran Livingston on the tRUMP political bible. Sound down
Tit for tat...
and Fox needs MORE of this... (Oan and Newsmax too!)
Tat for tit...
Matt Gaetz gets last-minute primary challenger . Maybe not a good idea to have the GQP's best fundraiser ousted... https://www.axios.com/2024/04/29/matt-gaetz-primary-aaron-dimmock-mccarthy
Matt Gaetz reminder:
'According to a sworn written statement that has been obtained by the Ethics committee, a woman says that in summer of 2017, when she was 20 years old, she attended a party in Florida that Gaetz also attended, which featured alcohol and drugs including cocaine and MDMA, sources familiar with the committee's work told ABC News.
According to the statement provided to the committee, sources said the woman who made the statement -- who ABC News is not identifying -- said she saw the then-minor naked at the party, which was also attended by adult men other than Gaetz, and that at the party there allegedly were bedrooms that were made available for sexual activities.' https://abcnews.go.com/US/matt-gaetz-attended-2017-party-minor-drugs-present/story?id=109324572