Weird at Christmas, must be the vaccine
This insane thread is a must see. Were I not still suffering from brain fog,,, I would have had a12 days of Qhristmas song ready to add, sigh... Click on the arrow on the right to get the full thread.
An excerpt: We all have one eye smaller than the other!! I say that with a stone blocky straight face
Sarah Slanders is going to die suddenly!
Finding your tribe is like Qhristmas! A lot of hype, stuffing, disguised by pretty wrapping
When the "Mainstream news" is just a couple of gossipmongers tittering and quoting Joe Rogan... while dissing only Democrats. The Hill leans so right wing its tilting at windmills. And no, I am not embedding that garbage...
The COVID vaccine killed this woman in 2015
After all that research, the antivax Qult is really in touch with COVID
Sorry to hear about your ex. Wishing you and your son well!