This is not to scare, but to inform. Hopefully you are all still willing to stay informed. Any new variant, especially one that is this *contagious, has the potential to increase hospitalizations and/or deaths.
Updates show the new variants/sub-variants still circulating, with URLs to many country's resources
Arcturus XBB.1.16
XBB.1.16, is a subvariant of Omicron and part of the new class of XBB subvariants. It is prevalent in India and made its way to North America and 20+ countries in the world thus far. We will all be seeing it soon.
*See US CDC chart below for the previous variant contagion (XBB1.5 from which this variant mutated...and the second pinned note)
“It does not appear to produce more severe disease, so for the moment it is a variant of interest and not a variant of concern,” said Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
Main points
📌 Ability to avoid prior immunity from a previous infection due to spike protein mutation
📌 XBB.1.16 is likely to be more contagious than prior variants*
📌 XBB.1.16 likely to produce more high fever
📌 Coughing
📌 More conjunctivitis, and pink eye with inflammation of the insides of the eyelids
📌 Eyes that are itchy and red, children.
All or some of these symptoms are still as likely as before...
Most common symptoms of COVID-19 remain:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
New confusion, especially in adults age 65 years or older.
Digestive symptoms are more common
Tightness in the chest, or trouble catching their breath.
*The variant chart is updated in the comments or visit the CDC to keep track of variants in US HERE:
*Scroll though updates to see the changes in the sub-variants chart in the last year. It will help you understand why our immunity wanes so much over time, and why boosters targeting the most virulent in circulation are still so important.

This is the Whitehouse answer to COVID (not that COVID gives a shit)

In closing, know that COVID will never care that the CDC or the Whitehouse or antivaxxers or hospitals and clinics and dentists declare it over, which nearly all have.
I will still be wearing an N95 mask whenever I leave the house and am with people I do not know... You?
I took a hiatus for a few months to reduce my frustration and hatred for the amount of bilge that was streaming up from the US to our fair country. As such I remain informed, but even more wary of sources and the CDC will remain suspect and subject to the same skepticism and grain of salt that any one/any corporation/ any federal entity obeying tRUMP deserves.
The COVID data
Respiratory illnesses are rampant
Influenza is high
Variant Proportions
The original Omicron variant is no longer showing up in testing. All of the remaining subvariants are continuing to mutate from omicron.
Wastewater COVID-19 National Trend
UPDATE 4 has data sources for other countries:
Thank you. Excellent compilation. I remain careful & vaxxed to the max, but haven't been watching the data, since I'm occupied with going berserk worrying about the future of our country.
The COVID data
is trending down because the KP3.1.1 sub-variant is less contagious than it's predecessor, K3. All good news as N America heads into fall and winter, when people congregate more indoors. The current forecast map is far better than the one from summer.
Wastewater data...
That does NOT mean you should not get a booster. Other more infectious strains are still circulating... and getting COVID may come with LONG COVID. Take it from me, having even milder COVID symptoms where you are not hospitalized can still trigger long lasting effects!
CDC recommends the updated 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against severe disease this fall and winter.
CDC COVID data tracker:
The COVID lineage chart
UPDATE 4 has data sources for other countries:
Canadians are seeing an uptick after thanksgiving...
This is for the USA only, but take a gander at your country's stats (Some URLs are below) and check your local health authority and government agencies to ask what they are doing about it.
As COVID rears its head once again, it is sad that no one is "keeping score." During COVID I kept daily data of my local, Canadian and US stats. Of course it had to end eventually... but at least there is the effluence to analyze! Talk about a shitty way to keep tabs of a virus.
Here is the CDC map showing where COVID is growing or declining, understanding that many states do not to provide timely data!! It is a lot different than the previous burgundy map! I wonder what is happening in Florida!?!?!?! Deathsantis realized tRUMP's June, 2020 "If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any," works really, really well! When you hear the MAGA numbskulls and tRUMP says the left are 'stupid," that particular equation should be front and centre of a rebuttal to the F'ing morons.
The wastewater shows less shrinking and more growth. That makes for uncertain data...
COVID is still rising in some states... but thankfully, few are dying. Being hospitals are not longer required to pass on data, the numbers are skewed... The CDC says KP.3 is the reason as it is quickly becoming dominant almost all states.
As you look at the graphs above, please remember that they are weekly numbers and will look totally different on a data map. It would be wise to scroll down, find your state on the map, then see your local state numbers to give you a better idea of actual stats. (Cases, deaths, hospitalizations) where you live and how cautious you should to be.
USA: Please also keep in mind that the data update has a 2 week lag and is hindered by states not providing data, with many providing only weekly and even less so during the holidays. (Canada has the same problem and is having more reported problems than the US even with few Provinces cooperating)
Read more here:
To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
With the event of President Biden getting COVID once again, COVID is creeping its way back into the news and hospitals...*Note that the weekly trend maps needs a bigger picture to compare to previous data. At the CDC site, click on each trend on top to take you there. The CDC says KP.3 is the reason as it is quickly becoming dominant in 39 states.
As it becomes more prevalent, some things remain static.
CDC: As of July 16, 2024, we estimate that COVID-19 infections are growing or likely growing in 42 states and territories, declining or likely declining in 0 states and territories, and are stable or uncertain in 6 states and territories.
The data from wastewater sites, USA
Read more here:
To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
KP.3 remains the dominant strain
The descriptions from those who have had it say the sore throat is like nothing they have ever felt before. Other than that, the symptoms are similar to those in the main post.
The trend for all things COVID are rising... slightly, but still worth mentioning, especially a few hospitals in some states are being overwhelmed with cases. (California, Hawaii) Few are dying, but beds are once again becoming more scarce. The CDC says KP.3 is the reason as it is quickly becoming dominant in 39 states.
As you look at the graphs above, please remember that they are weekly numbers and will look totally different on a data map. It would be wise to scroll down, find your state on the map, then see your local state numbers to give you a better idea of actual stats. (Cases, deaths, hospitalizations) where you live and how cautious you should to be.
USA: Please also keep in mind that the data update has a 2 week lag and is hindered by states not providing data, with many providing only weekly and even less so during the holidays. (Canada has the same problem and is having more reported problems than the US even with few Provinces cooperating) To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
KP.3 is now the dominant strain
In my Province, a booster will no longer be available every 6 months. They will be available in the fall, by which time my booster will have waned considerably. (9 to 10 months) The excuse is that efficacy/ effectiveness against severe disease remains high. My long COVID body is not happy!
As you look at the graphs above, please remember that they are weekly numbers and will look totally different on a data map. It would be wise to scroll down, find your state on the map, then see your local state numbers to give you a better idea of actual stats. (Cases, deaths, hospitalizations) where you live and how cautious you should to be.
Sub-variant JN.1. is still dominating in the USA with an estimated 86.5% of the cases, with JN.1.13 estimated to be growing. This strain of Omicron has squeezed out most others at this point of time. The WHO still has it designated as a VOI - Variant of Interest; not a variant of concern; Globally, JN.1 is the most reported VOI (now reported by 115 countries), accounting for 90.3% of sequences in week 9 compared to 89.4% in week six.
USA: Please also keep in mind that the data update has a 2 week lag and is hindered by states not providing data, with many providing only weekly and even less so during the holidays. (Canada has the same problem and is having more reported problems than the US even with few Provinces cooperating) To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
As you look at the graphs above, please remember that they are weekly numbers and will look totally different on a data map. It would be wise of you to scroll down, find your state on the map, then see your local state numbers to give you a better idea of actual stats (Cases, deaths, hispitalizations) where you live and how cautious you will have to be.
Sub-variant JN.1. is still dominating in the USA with an estimated 96.4% of the cases and becoming more prevalent worldwide. It is not more deadly that the XBB strains that have been dominating since the original variant, Omicron, BUT IS more contagious. (Not a higher risk of death, though. The WHO still has it designated as a VOI - Variant of Interest; not a variant of concern)
Please also keep in mind that the data update has a 2 week lag and is hindered by states not providing data, with many providing only weekly and even less so during the holidays. (Canada has the same problem and is having more reported problems than the US even with few Provinces cooperating)
Read more here:
To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
As you look at the graphs above, please remember that they are weekly numbers and will look totally different on a data map. Although the number of cases are sometimes really high, and they are still high after the holidays. that drives the other numbers up for the weeks following. It would be wise of you to scroll down, find your state on the map, then see your local state numbers to give you a better idea of actual stats where you live and how cautious you will have to be.
Sub-variant JN.1. is dominating in the USA with an estimated 85.7% of the cases and becoming more prevalent worldwide. It is thus far not more deadly that the XBB strains that have been dominating since the original variant, Omicron, BUT IS more contagious. (Not a higher risk of death, though. The WHO still has it designated as a VOI - Variant of Interest; not yet a variant of concern)
Please also keep in mind that the data update has a 2 week lag and is hindered by states not providing data, with many providing only weekly and even less so during the holidays. (Canada has the same problem and is having more reported problems than the US even with few Provinces cooperating)
Read more here:
To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
Respiratory Illnesses are on the Rise, but not vaccinations
UPDATE 2: COVID and flu cases are on the rise
As you look at the graphs above, please remember that they are weekly numbers and will look totally different on a data map. Although the number of cases are sometimes really high, and they are still high after the holidays. that drives the other numbers up for the weeks following. It would be wise of you to scroll down, find your state on the map, then see your local state numbers to give you a better idea of actual stats where you llive and how cautious you will have to be.
*Note also that this is cold and flu season, which already has your immune system working hard to protect you. Having your vaccinations and boosters all up to date means you are helping your immune system prepare for the task ahead.*
Sub-variant JN.1. is dominating in the USA with an estimated 60% of the cases and becoming more prevalent worldwide. It is thus far not more deadly that the XBB strains that have been dominating since Omicron, BUT it also seems to be even more contagious. (Not a higher risk of death, though. The WHO still has it designated as a VOI - Variant of Interest; not yet a variant of concern) Please also keep in mind that the data update has a 2 week lag and is hindered by states not providing data, with many providing only weekly and even less so during the holidays. (Canada has the same problem)
To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
Variant lineage:
Read more here: Respiratory Illnesses are on the Rise, but not vaccinations
My 70+ year old neighbor who is an MD and fully vaccinated, finally caught Covid in November. She has school age grandchildren living nearby, and her husband (also an MD) works part time at an assisted living facility. She still hasn't figured out how she got it.
It's still out there...
As you can see by the chart below, sub-variant JN.1. is now dominating in the USA and becoming more prevalent worldwide. It is thus far not any more deadly that the XBB strains that have been dominating since Omicron. All COVID stats are up still, so it is best to remain very cautious... especially as so few have had their boosters in ANY country... plus the data update has a 2 week lag.
* Note also that this is cold and flu season, which already has your immune system working hard to protect you. Having your vaccinations and boosters all up to date means you are helping your immune system prepare for the task ahead.*
To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
I will write more in another post as this one is about COVID.
US weekly COVID trends chart...
As you can see by the chart another sub-variant has taken second place; JN.1. It is thus far not any more deadly that the XBB strains that have been dominating since Omicron. Hospitalizations ARE up still so it is best to remain very cautious... especially as so few have had their boosters in ANY country... and the data update has a 2 week lag. Note also that this is cold and flu season, which already has your immune system working hard to protect you. Having your vaccinations and boosters all up to date means you are helping your immune system prepare for the task ahead.
To find data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data that is available, see update 4
COVID season is back.
Check COVID test expiry extension date before throwing out. See UPDATE 8
You can order more free tests now in US and free vaccines are still available for those who qualify. see UPDATE 11.
Canada replenished free tests in July that have a long shelf life. Check with your pharmacy/Walmart to see if they still have some.
USA: Thanksgiving has ended the horserace for first place variant. HV.1 has thus far won out and is dominating. What that means for Christmas is unclear but do not panic. There is no surge, although lags in (and lack of) data reporting mean it will be another week before estimates can be made. I, for one, am still using an N95 when I go shopping or am in an enclosed space. I can tell you that long COVID that I still am experiencing is not worth the risk, even if you are vaccinated and have a milder case.
PS: Be sure to use the period in HV.1 when passing on data/info as it will confuse people looking it up. HVI is the herpes that you usually get on your face, or misnomered as "cold sores." when on the lips or mouth.
CDC weekly COVID charts at a glance.
CDC variant tracker
Canada: HV.1 and HK.3 are the only COVID variants with 'consistent growth' across the country, according to Health Canada. HV.1 is dominating there as well.
For data trackers for other countries and sewer collection data , see update 4
World/WHO: Although HV.1 and HK.3 have a high growth advantage relative to co-circulating variants, "their associated public health risks are classified low at the global level," WHO evaluation from last week.
There is much more data and info at the site!
Get your booster! The updated COVID booster rolled out this fall was designed to target XBB variants. The top 2 variants circulating are mutations of the same XBB.1.9 strain and HV variants are a subvarients of EG.5
Dear Americans who pay far too dearly for health insurance... please let people know who are not able the exorbitant costs that the dovernment is still trying help.
Get free at-home COVID-19 tests this fall on
Beginning November 20, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home. Before You Throw Out "Expired" Tests: Check FDA's website to see if your COVID-19 tests' expiration dates have been extended.
There are also still no-cost COVID testing and vaccines for uninsured people that are symptomatic or exposed via the CDC Bridge Access program to adults without health insurance and adults without full vaccine insurance coverage.
Search for no-cost COVID testing location
call or visit their website to make an appointment.
Find a no-cost COVID vaccine near you
call or visit their website to make an appointment.
The last time the death rate went up, someone on the main page used only that stat for a bit of scare mongering. Stats are wonderful things, but only useful in trending when compared to previous data. Copying just that last bump on the chart was disinformation, being the trough death rate was the lowest death rate charted.
Here then, is the entire monthy COVID death data charted from the beginning. It changes the perspectibe, does it not?
The variants are in a horserace with 3 presently vying for dominance in the US.
The updated COVID booster rolled out this fall was designed to target XBB variants. As you can see, the top 3 variants in the US are mutations of the same XBB.1.9 strain.
Please inform friends, relatives and workmates. With fall and the coming family and work events, the stats are going to rise, especially as those who received the previous booster was abysmal in the US... and not much better in Canada. Only 17% of Americans and 26% of Canadians got the PREVIOUS bivalent booster.
Although XBB is more contagious than some of its predecessors, it is thankfully less than the Delta and certainly less deadly. The same common symptoms appear to present, but there may be more acute runny nose and gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, than in other variants. That gastrointestinal symptoms can persist as Long COVID symptoms for 18 months or even more should be enough reason for people to continue to take precautions. A meta data analysis of studies found:
Take that from me also... please!
For any lurkers who are not American, in UPDATE #6 I added URLS for all countries below the 2 diagrams.
In Canada, stats are only provided weekly due to pressure from CONservative governments, being they are also the top case/death rates no doubt! Saskatchewan has provided only monthly stats and have not updated their vaccination rates since March 2022, FFS... also because they were the least vaccinated and climbing towards the highest death rate when they stopped providing data. it would be best to check your own Provincial data rather than rely on skewed overall data. If you live in Saskatchewan, you would be wise to complain to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health and place complaints via all resources.
Mailing Address 3475 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 6X6
Sask health Authority phone: 1-888-316-7446
Ministry of Health: 306-787-2718
Phone: 1-800-667-7766
Local public health offices/phone #s:
Resolving Health Care Concerns and Complaints:
When you get no help, try here: Ombudsman Saskatchewan
Alberta has joined the CONservatibe Obfuscation game where many of the deaths in the weekly report are from many weeks or more than a month before.
By now a new subvariant would have become dominant, but this last batch are all vying for a spot in the horserace... HV.1 variant has overtaken FL1.5.1 and is forcast to be the dominant strain soon. All variants are omicron and HV.1 is derived from the XBB.1.9.2 lineage. See this page for charts :
In the USA Trends remain the same as the last weeks, with deaths increasing slightly, especially in those over 65. Cases are increasing only slightly and hospitalizations are trending down slightly.
In Canada, ALL 3 are trending upwards after Thanksgiving. With boosters being even less likely to have been administered in the USA this year, I hope Americans will heed that warning as your holiday get-togethers approach.
COVID data
The COVID data collected is not available from any home testing or from all States/Provinces/Countries regularly, remember, so can never be accurate. That's why checking your local hotpots, wastewater data and local public health numbers is still very important. (See UPDATE #6 for URLS)
A CDC update will not be available until next week, but I wanted to make a few reminder points. Although COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths are rising, the numbers are still far and away from spike levels as illustrated in the last post. That does not mean all cautions should be lifted.
Booster vaccine:
Getting friends and family to get a bivalent booster this fall should be a goal for all of us ... being only 17% of Americans and 26% of Canadians have gotten the previous one, and all of the variants circulating are of the Omicron lineage. It is cringeworthy.
If uninsured see:
Addendum from helpful member HOS: The Biden administration to provide free Covid vaccines to uninsured Americans this fall through end of 2024. If you are uninsured, you can find free COVID-19 testing and free COVID-19 treatment that can reduce your risk of hospitalization and death.
Order today... Shipments via USPS will begin next week.
If you still have home tests, please also check to see if they are on the list of manufacturers who extended their expiration dates. All others should be thrown out as their contents have deteriorated.
Canada: BTNX, the Rapid Response COVID-19 Antigen Test most offered in Canada, cannot be used past the expiry date. They already have a shelf-life that is 24 months from date of manufacture.Canadian COVID test shelf like extentions are here:
USA: See FDA Authorized At-Home OTC COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests and Expiration Dates on this page.. in blue. Click on the blue link to see the extention date:
COVID data
The COVID data collected is not from any home testing or from all states regularly, remember, so can never be accurate. That's why checking your local hotpots, wastewater data and local public health numbers is still very important. (See UPDATE #6 for URLS)
As noted previously, unlike the last times COVID rose, there are more than 2 or 3 Omicron subvariants fluctuating and vying for top spot and causing 99% of the cases, although EG.5 and FL.1.5.1 have risen to take 38.2% ATM.
What that means is that cases, viral loads, top symptoms and results will vary... and a good thing is that the more severe symtoms are decreasing, leaving mostly cold and flu like ones. The bad thing is that it makes it harder to track as COVID and few people are still testing.
Forida is one of the states not properly tracking CVOID, but fortunately, hospitalization and death rates by county are available. DeathSAntis is still leading the country with the highest numbers.
An interview with Florida's former surgeon general, Dr. Scott Rivkees, who DeSantis replaced with moron Dr. Joseph Ladapo who recommends NOT taking the vaccine booster or vaccinating children, on what is happening now with COVID.
FYI, Dr. Eric Ding was a very good source of info at one time, but he has become an attention seeker with clickbait and the boy who cried wolf. As outlined in UPDATE #6, everyone in public health is monitoring the virus and it is rising, but not spiking.
There is no need to panic, but, there is a need to ensure that the US GOV is prepared (well stocked warehouses of PPE, masks, tests as promised in 2022's National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan) Getting friends and family to get a bivalent booster should be the main goal ... being only 17% of Americans and 26% of Canadians have gotten it, and all of the variants circulating are of the Omicron lineage.
Here is a comparison of the day to day USA numbers from Aug to Sept 2022 and 2023. After comparing those numbers, look at the data trackers,variant trackers, charts and maps for your country/region in the URLS provided in UPDATE 6.
I have added data and info URLS for all countries below the 2 diagrams. Time for me to forward them to my friends and family once again. They live all over the world, and although a few felt I was cringy in the beginning, most ended up thanking me for being early and on the ball when they were clueless and now pass the info on that I send. This site may be overun by trolls or disapper depending on the administrator's whim, so perhaps email yourself the list even if you do not share.
I take cabs, make a preorder request that drivers wear a mask, ask them to open windows. Of course I wear a mask, but I also take a package of masks with me wherever I go, have a clip on hand sanitizer on my purse, and a package of chlorox wipes in my bag. I get stares as I use them still but my health is far more important than the numbnuts who think I am a loon... If they won't stop staring, I start lecturing. THAT works a charm.
BA.2.86 is still barely a blip, and has been found in 5 people in the USA and the first case in Canada cropped up a week ago.
Early lab tests suggest new COVID variant BA.2.86 may be less contagious & less immune-evasive than feared
The video also discusses the newest vaccines and why getting it is really important for the immune system to get a boost as the antibodies wane a lot by the 6 month mark to get a new one. Schools and hospital numbers will be the real test of the new variants.
The rise in cases and hospitalizations (from a pandemic historic low, remember) is mostly being driven by omicron XBB lineage viruses. Note that everything that is currently circulating is in the Omicron lineage. That bodes well for those who had the last Bivalent booster. The problem is that, in the US, only 17% took advantage of it!
USA Variants:
Canada has free vaccines, and yet it seems a measly 26% of Canadians got a bivalent booster and worse, only 5% of Canadian have gotten a booster in 2023!
Canada variants:
CDC Respiratory Virus Updates
CDC is posting updates on the respiratory illness season here every week. This is the Aug 30 updated page.
CDC COVID Data Tracker
A comprehensive data centre updated weekly.
Update on COVID Variant BA.2.86
August 30, 2023, 3:30 PM EDT
USA CDC Variant tracker
USA CDC COVID Data Tracker updated weekly.
USA Hotspot tracker
Canada COVID Data tracker
Canada Variant tracker
Canada weekly info
Europe tracker
Australia tracker
WHO tracker is trash since March
Our world in data lets you search by country here:
Wastewater Sewer detection
Here are the Canadian charts. We are remaining on the lower end
The CDC has this National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) The map shows who is keeping and relaying data to the national database. Light blue, orange are going up and any red dots are high.