Ever since the excess deaths data from the pandemic era were released, the antivaxxers having been abusing the data, just as they did with Vaers info and of course blaming the vaccine. This was happening everywhere, but a theif in New Zealand accessed and released actual government data. I guess he thought it would gibe him more cred... https://www.factcheck.org/2023/04/scicheck-no-evidence-excess-deaths-linked-to-vaccines-contrary-to-claims-online/
The data is collected to 'compare the number of expected deaths in a time period to the actual number of deaths that occur' using historical data. The methods use conjecture... or estimates. There is too much incomplete info to be totally accurate, ever. Think of DeathSAantis here, when he stopped the coroners being the ones who provided the data for cause of death as there were too many COVID deaths being counted... https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
This lie is a lie from top to bottom.but Musk has assured that these guys get top billing and go viral. One has to wonder if disinformation is the free speech" he is actually trying to protect... Just kidding! Who is wondering anymore?
Winston Smith (alias), a statistician and data administrator for the Ministry of Health in New Zealand, is how he is being touted and... how he was outed...
In New Zealand the numbers were very similar to historical data and the reason for that is they actually did lock down the country and had many more restrictions - and much more compliance - than other countries. That must have really pissed off the antivaxxers. Most other trolls just make up the data they want to misconstrue... but this national health service worker was dimmer than most... as he has lost his job and faces up to 7 years in jail.
Barry Young, sometimes known as Winston Smith, appeared in court on Monday facing one charge of dishonestly accessing databases belonging to Te Whatu Ora, which runs the country’s hospitals.
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Note he only adds HIS side of the blackmail threats and not the replies...