UPDATE 1: Jake Lang has 2 OTHER crowd sourced funding sources that got him over $ 3/4M dollars! $ https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/86308b39-9df2-4253-b67b-ff689b0d5f06
UPDATE 2: Jake Lang has already had added charges, but he was busted for starting a NEW militia while he is in jail! https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/c082fe4b-5f65-40f6-8587-61aee42c8a33?postId=66171421d0488b0011489f21
UPDATE 3: In 2025 this POS is running for a senate seat in Florida.
Lang was arrested on January 16, 2021, and has been behind bars ever since because the judge deemed him to be a VIOLENT offender not safe for the streets. He came prepared to do exactly what he did, is an insurrectionist and is a violent criminal, but like Matt Gaetz, has a rich daddy in politics and flush with "friends" with money and power. I may not be on the earth when it happens, but watch for him to run for office in future on his being a patriot and "hostage" if the Jan 6 insurrection is watered down even more... I outlined the criminals running for office here: https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/update-jan-6-whitewashing-insurrectionists-run-for-office
1) Edward Jacob Lang *** (AKA Jake Lang, the actual name he uses, is not on DOJ site) Pennsylvania, Assaulted police for 3.5 hours, kicking and hitting them with a bat. Jake Lang yelled at fellow rioter who tried to stop him from beating up cops that day. "You guys are better than that," the woman said. Lang responded, "This is how our country was founded, woman!"
Jake Lang was proud he was infiltrating and climbing on the Capitol and beating cops to get there. He said after that “1776 has commenced," and you “ain’t seen nothing yet.” That is a threat. Lang recorded a video a week later saying, "we won't give up." He literally showed where he was inside on Instagram . “I was the leader of liberty today,” he wrote about January 6… “Arrest me.” These people are morons who think they are patriots. (And think they can make videos... sound down)
2) Charges: Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers or Employees; Civil Disorder; Restricted Building or Grounds; Violent Entry or Disorderly Conduct. https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1355866/download Added charges: Civil Disorder; Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers; Assaultind, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Aiding and Abetting; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings. **Indicted on eleven (11) counts Pleaded not guilty to all Counts. Defendant remains committed. https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1364166/download
Lang rejected his plea offer. Trial reset for October 10, 23, but delayed twice because of his appeals to the Supreme Court. The Gateway Pundit, who is making a fortune "helping" these criminals, is likely behind it... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/breaking-latest-scotus-filing-has-potential-impact-hundreds/ (This is also how daddies with money and political clout help their baby boy AKA fail-sons) His trial date is reset for September 9, 2024.
3) Jake Lang complains about his conditions in jail…but will not accept a plea deal. He is now using prayer and fake patriotism… July 16 Lang addressed the court from the DC jail saying he's been in solitary for 2 months, has no underwear, socks, access to legal papers, etc. "I have been stripped of all my human dignity," he said. "This is a travesty of justice." says he has nothing but the bible as they “took”everything from his personal effects when he went into jail. (as they ALWAYS DO FFS!)

4) July 17, “Edward “Jake” Lang's father read a letter written by his son inside the jail behind him. It contained a prayer and: "Patriots will never bow to tyranny. The heart and soul of America rests in free men's bravery. God bless America." He also pledged to sue the jail.’ Lang's father, who is former Town of Tusten councilman and Sullivan County businessman, Ned Lang, owner of Lang EnviroVentures in Narrowsburg. blamed his son's arrest on his struggle with substance abuse in his early teens. https://www.recordonline.com/story/news/local/2021/01/22/sullivan-county-native-faces-four-charges-role-capitol-riot/6658366002/
Look Ahead America's Matt Braynard was unhappy with the small crowd. Wants a repeat and more graft… for his grift. Said that the crowd size is "not enough" and that with a much larger presence, the Jan 6 defendants would have been freed in a matter of days. Daddy was there to repeat his crap and quote the bible for his fail-son!
5) As Jake Lang asks again to go home, the DOJ answers that they are likely adding a superseding indictment with more charges.
Lang took part in a militia group chat on Telegram organizing to stop Joe Biden from taking office on Inauguration Day. "Can't wait for the 20th," he wrote at one point. "I'm getting a fucking arsenal together.” Oh oh… I wonder why he got arrested so quickly?
6) Lang again requests release from jail… Lang’s lawyer says Lang was “helping officers” even though he assaulted them, even one on the ground. He was brutal and violent. He is complaining once again that he has no access to shave or a haircut. Here he is as of Jan 6 , unshaven and with long greasy hair … https://twitter.com/jimcarroll/status/1440051889886744578
Defense argues Lang was there to film, says he witnessed police brutality, says wants release to his whiney father,says he has religious objections to taking the COVID-19 vaccine, says his kosher food rations have been reduced. Judge replies that the “Evidence suggests [Lang] was under the belief the government of the United States was illegitimate”…. “And said very concerning things about the Inauguration.” Judge will not release Lang from pretrial detention.
7) Jake Lang in a RW interview says tRUMP pick McFadden is the only fair judge because he is a RW MAGA a’hole who lets insurrectionists skate. Says they are treated differently from BLM protests. (The video is presently unavailable... but many have gotten McFadden who were very violent and tRUMPY so who knows... maybe there are behind the scene fixes. After seeing the system fail in the Epstein case and Judge Cannon's actions and SCOTUS corruption...) https://twitter.com/sfoguj/status/1510249006789632007
8) Lang has his tRUMPy judge dismiss another charge, FFS… “Judge Nichols, the only federal judge in DC to reject obstruction charges against Jan. 6 defendants, has dismissed another charge, this time against Jake Lang, one of the first people charged and detained for assaulting officers that day.” https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1534181045205073921

9) ‘Jake Lang has an assistant and a 23 yo girlfriend. This Gulag thing doesn't seem to be quite as rough as they're trying to make out,’ https://twitter.com/sfoguj/status/1553149469817876480
10) Feds say after riot, Lang messaged about what he expected next: “Guns…That’s it. One word. The First Amendment didn’t work, we pull out the Second." https://twitter.com/MacFarlaneNews/status/1757483276866908367

11) video, previously introduced as evidence in another Jan. 6 case, that shows him at the front of the battle. He's got the gas mask, the black jacket, and the stolen police shield. (Sound down)
Jake Lang announced that 78 Jan 6 insurrectionists have filed a class action lawsuit against 21 Capitol Police Officers for millions of dollars for injuries he claims the police caused them by using excessive force. 140 officers were injured that day…
12) His now deleted video post states he was in the White house. The number of times where Jan 6 rioters said/ wrote that they were in the White House or Whitehouse is now 17.
13) Lang wasn’t just IN a militia group chat. He STARTED a militia recruitment chat 2 days after the insurrection and invited a reporter from Propublica by mistake … “The group, created two days after the Jan. 6 attack, grew from a few dozen members to nearly 200 in just a week. There, safe from the deplatforming spree of mainstream social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, Lang set out to recruit ‘normies’ and radicalize them to the point that they joined regional militia groups.” (Normies are people not considered autistic and not part of the peepeefrog/4chan gtoups)
“It was the first battle of the Second American Revolution- make no mistakes,” Lang continued. “This is WAR.” He posted a code of conduct in the group, as well as a set of meme-like instructions for members to prepare for a national “blackout,” buying long-range walkie-talkies and stocking up on guns, ammo and food.https://www.propublica.org/article/this-is-war-inside-the-secret-chat-where-far-right-extremists-devised-their-post-capitol-plans
14) Jake is one of 15 or so people locked up still because they were considered a danger to the public. His jail cell was raided on June 5 because he started a ANOTHER militia group WHIILE IN JAIL called NAPLAM Constitutional Militia Network" https://x.com/K2theSky/status/1798427549577752887 He is in Ad seg - Administrative segregation is when a prisoner is housed separately from the main prison population.
RWNJ sites for Jan 6 Insurrectionists
RWNJ site of Jan 6 “political prisoners” with lots of info on those it supports… https://americangulag.org/edward-jacob-lang/
C.A.P.P Citizens Against Political Persecution, INC
Patriot Freedom Project
The organization said last April it had raised a total of $1,164,321 and given out $665,000 to Jan. 6 families for legal fees and other expenses. Its founder, Cynthia Hughes, is aunt to the hitler loving insurrectionist Hale-Cusanelli who is highlighted in the forums.
Give Send Go
Jim Hoft is deciding where the Give Send Go funds are going. Just now, money is at 223k but they have used a lot: https://www.givesendgo.com/G28VR
(From Jan 2023, so even more was raised since)
Since 2021, Jan. 6 defendants have raised more than $3.7 million on the Christian crowdfunding website GiveSendGo, according to a Washington Post review of accounts that remain public, and millions more have been raised by umbrella groups in the name of the “patriots” — a flood of money that has raised concerns about fairness and oversight.
Thanks to James Kennedy for finding this.
I used to keep tabs on all of them until the head asshole FELON pardoned his asshole criminal minions. After being pardoned by one criminal, this POS criminal is now running for the senate in Florida. Gotta love the law in the US of A!
Could he win?
Being so many proud Boys and insurrectionists have moved to Florida...perhaps.
He was one of the most violent offenders on January 6. He started his own militia before the insurrection and then started another in prison. He is a POS liar and a fake christian. His father Ned Lang has money. (He has a plumbing/sewer roter- rooter business... where he put up giant signs asking to release his religious son, so apropos) His dad blamed his actions on January 6 in Jake's "previous" drug habit. He now lives in Florida...so hell yeah! He has a chance!
He is running on being a lying asshole.
He is running on not being Mitch McConnel. He is running on his notoriety. He is running on the good will he thinks he deserves for raising money to defend other insurrectionists, many of whom are now in Florida. Being assholes elect other assholes, it seems his chances of winning in Florida are pretty good... see Matt Gaetz and DeathSantis/
You can read more about his "campaign" strategies here:
Money is still pouring into accounts at Give Send go. Being he pledged those funds for legal defenses , and they were all pardoned... I dearly hope there are some honest people who will ask why there is still 500k in one account... that he will more than a little likely use for his campaign. He also accepts cheques to be sent to his home! https://www.givesendgo.com/j6legal
I posted other insurrectionists who have run for office here: Jan 6 Whitewashing & Insurrectionists Run for Office. https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/update-jan-6-whitewashing-insurrectionists-run-for-office
A POS that tRUMP calls a "political hostage" or "political prisoner" & "unbelievable patriot"
Lang wasn’t just IN a militia group chat. He STARTED a militia recruitment chat 2 days after the insurrection and invited a reporter from Propublica by mistake …
(Normies are people not considered autistic and not part of the peepeefrog/4chan groups)
He said the day after the attack that it was “war” at the Capitol, not a mere protest.
And yet... he was able to do an actual PODCAST from behind bars, FFS. How? How is this allowed when he is considered a danger to the public? And he is still one because of it. America, call your Reps *unless you have a Republican one. They do not believe in the rule of law.) Write letters to editors. Do something, because this is insanity...
Jake is one of 15 or so people locked up since his arrest because they were considered a danger to the public. His jail cell was raided on June 5 because he started a militia group WHIILE IN JAIL called NAPLAM Constitutional Militia Network" https://x.com/K2theSky/status/1798427549577752887
He is now in Ad seg - Administrative segregation is when a prisoner is housed separately from the main prison population.
So this guy who made $3/4M from GiveSendGo is doing this on taxpayer's dime while in prison...
This POS is part of a group that are suing Capitol police officers for being too violent. Does this look like a man who expected no violence? (He repeatedly attacked officers on Jan 6)
Holy shit... I am glad I delved a little deeper today. Jake Lang has 2 OTHER crowd sourced funding sources that got him over 3/4 million ... https://www.givesendgo.com/j6legal and https://www.givesendgo.com/J6TRUTH
Plus, he has a podcast on Jim Holf's Gateway Pundit. They are making a fortune off the sites above... and no wonder Jim and Jake have the money to take his case to the Supreme Court... Here is RW a'hole former FBI Agent Kyle Seraphin laying out some truths on behalf of fellow law enforcement. (now works for Project Vetitas FFS... and WTAF makes money collecting donations for other "whistleblowers") https://twitter.com/i/status/1777683463778251021
I found his video that he made with "this is me." It was so nice of him to reveal it was he being violent and beating at the police with their own stolen riot shields. If he wins in SCOTUS (There are TWO cases from insurrectionists being heard) I dearly hope there are Americans ready to protest. Officers in that tunnel withstood many hours of wave after wave of insurrectionists trying to break through, and a couple were maimed for life. Sound down.
Daddy is also an asshole and his business sucks... He does all the roto-rooter business under their name and his Yelp is hilarious. I thought it was because of detractors and actual patriots but nope... the complaints are older...
On LinkedIn,' Lang described himself as a "serial entrepreneur." He has a company called "Social Model Management" and another called "Leafy Social" that has a legal notice on its website tied to an LLC called Kizmetco, also in Lake Worth, FL.' https://www.sullivantimes.com/post/lang-arrested-at-his-newburgh-home
Yea, Mom's an asshole tRUMPy MAGA too..