UPDATES are in comments
QAnon are assholes looking for money, fame, influence, and more and more suckers to join. Their participation in the Jan 6 insurrection was enormous! 1776 was a Q number adopted by the other RWNJs
It started in 4Chan, moved to 8Chan and now 8Kun, and became wildly popular when one of tRUMP's people took a message that they needed a sign. Someone close to tRUMP (Miller?) did just that. (I have a screenshot and cannot find and it is driving me crazy,...) When you heard weird shit, it was mostly tRUMP being a moron, but sometimes it was code. EG: Calling the 1918 flu '1917 flu' was a panacea that he always used to keep Q-quislings attached and swooning that he was acknowledging them... (Q is 17th letter) It works as they are still following "the plan."
Once Palmer Luckey started paying the Kek boys for their crappy memes in 2015, that was it. A taste of money to teens was all they needed to follow anyone... and Troll/Make memes/ skew polls for tRUMP... you name it. Here they are preparing for Civil war...
And they evolved... to include anything that kept interest.
The money chain is how millions and millions of RWNJ GQP make their living. They are intertwined... and branch off to radio, podcasts, youtube etc. I may be adding cute memes, but Q is huge and growing and nothing to scoff at. And, it is worldwide.
Oct 2017: Still calling out in 'code" made a Q with his hand...and repeats the Q storm "motto." That is tRUMP's devious smile that he uses when he has put one over on people. He also taunts and confuses the press. Remember when he scared the shit out of everyone when he said "you'll find out?
I added the top text. The bottom was added by Diaper Don's team in 2018, acknowledging Q.
2019 tRUMP was now retweeting Q people... openly.
2020, he tweets the pig farmer's son, Ron Watkins,who before he became Q, hosted porn and child porn sites from his home in the Philippines. Ron Watkins was recently running for Congress in Arizona, BTW ... so papa Q Jim and others ran the Q scam.
Since he lost his primary... Ron wants to move to Australia, where QAnon is also huge and was ensconced in the Australian government as well. (Another long f'ing story...)
Q not only died down following the Jan 6 insurrecton, the "main " Q stopped postin on 8Chan/ 8Kun. But now that tRUMP plans to run... away from indictments to run again as president, Q is back and they are on tRUMP's failing "Truth" site. On Sept 4 as news got out about the money he owes for TS and how it is failing, atop his press for the many lawsuits he is facing, tRUMP posted many tweets in succession, including several from Q-Quislings. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/09/trump-truth-social-qanon
Today, Sept 13, tRUMP posted a poster picture of himself from a Q MAGA minion ultra patriot blueblood quisling .... It seems few people understand how he has embraced Q from the beginning and now wants them to "activate."
Being they talk a lot about the purge and call Dems demons, and Dem leaders the devil, he is embracing violence.....
Q has branched out so much... It means everything and nothing. There is no rhyme or reason.
To be of further help, here is their map.. (One of MANY) You are welcome...
Q gave people clues and called them "proofs" which is not the correct usage of the word ... and proved nothing. (Other than Q is not English or, is illiterate) There are also "crumb" clues and puzzles to solve which makes them all feel connected and brilliant. It is really sad... and cultish.
QAnon primer...
Q-Anon has infiltrated the military and Police, firefighters, government and more... PSYOPS. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/1/22/2010939/-Q-Anon-has-infiltrated-the-military-and-Police-firefighters-government-and-more-PSYOPS
Michael Flynn, the Timeline: Many years and 23 Days to Make a Traitor https://www.dailykos.com/story/2021/1/21/1999292/-Michael-Flynn-the-Timeline-Many-years-and-23-Days-to-Make-a-Trait
Flynn is "Proud" of his WQke boys and Jan. 6.
Flynn signing WWG1WGA in 2017
Flynn's son, Mike Jr, Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec were the Muckrakers who started Pizzagate, the precursor to Q Anon. This is an origin picture to ponder... as they are all lying GQP operatives who now deny they had anything to do with Q... #2 and #3 are the KeK PeePee frogtrolls who you saw in 2015/16, relaying messages to their troll brothers in 8Chan/8Kun and elsewhere.
symbol/1488 is Nazi code. Posobiec is a former Navy intelligence officer...https://www.adl.org/resources/hate- Mike Cernovich is a jailhouse lawyer, in for rape. Slimeballs boosted by the Flynns... and now have scrubbed their bad reputation by pretending to be journalists and free speech advocates. This is all merely a sampling... https://vatniksoup.com/en/soups/171
WARNING! This is vile and disgusting... The choking noises were added by an idiot who got the recording from Cernovich's site before it was removed. LOSER45 loves nasty people. This one is A1 Asshole.
Cassandra Fairbanks, the great pretender... MOLE!
Who gave Fairbanks and Cernovich White House press passes?
Be of sound mind before venturing down the rabbit hole
First post on 4chan by Q (supposedly) compiled by 24 year old who calls himself ‘IAM BECAUSE WE ARE’ Given that phrase is African, he just may well be… and... His English sucks. It is over 600 pages in PDF form, FFS. A real rabbit hole. https://krypt3ia.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/q_s_posts_-_cbts_-_7-2-0.pdf
Q began on 4 Chan by by Microchip and Dreamcatcher larping Luther Blissett novel 'Q' based on the religious/political turmoil of the reformation… Here, the Italian authors agree the premise was copied… from pizzagate Satanism and pedos onward. (And yet blame Democrats, FFS...) https://wumingfoundation.tumblr.com/post/176695298570/on-qanon-the-full-text-of-our-buzzfeed-interview and Q is a Vatican spy. https://www.amazon.com/Q-Luther-Blissett/dp/0156031965#customerReviews It was taken over by Pamphlet Anon, Radix, Baruch, & Brainstorm, moved to 8chan & monetized.
Several Universities had students who were selling Q/Kek items, which people shut down by emailing the Universities to make them aware their sites were being used by Q operatives. (Who called themselves Q Woke and red-pill awakening, ironically...) The ones who pooh poohed it were like this fellow... a Know nothing theology teacher who puts out a magazine and blog... bless him, in which he says both sides are the same. He is teaching the children of the future that the only difference is the colour their party chose. https://modernreformation.org/resource-library/web-exclusive-articles/the-woke-and-the-red-pill-pt-i-conjoined-twins-at-war/
Since then it has been monetized via hundreds more scammers willing to take the money from the vulnerable and mentally deranged…
Dave Hayes, AKA Praying Medic, is one of the leading promoters of the Q conspiracy theory, now says that when Q specifically predicted hundreds of thousands of arrests/indictments, it was intentional disinformation and distraction. Interesting, in that he is admitting the shit he has promoted from day one was meant solely to take them down the rabbit hole! Keep confessing, you vile piece of shit.
To give you a glimpse into this weirdness, here is one Q nutter in 4 chan that helped compile this pile of shit into categories. to "research." (What it actuallly was, was a list of open cases on the dockets all across the US) https://qresear.ch/indictments This moron made a searchable map. https://bad-boys.us/
Why would they do all that work? Praying Medic said it was real... Look what praying medic found in the bible… "Then I heard the number of those that were sealed: 144,000."I have a feeling when they're unsealed... it's gonna be biblical.- 16 Jan 2020 The sealed indictments are ALL of the sealed cases on the docket in the USA you numbnuts freak… Jesus… indeed… https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1218035100744503297
From his BIO: Paramedic ★ Author ★ Teacher ★ Dreamer ★ Q Researcher ★ Patriot ★ Child of God ★Acts 4:20 ★ Love Wins ★ Enjoy the show
He has ,many sites, youtube and books and is one of the original grifters pretending to be Q. Here he is today, lamenting that the government was doing simulations of the harm people like him do in election: https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1769005814294200700 Now that Douglas Mackey AKA Ricky Vaugn is getting his comeuppance for election interference, with his alt-right trolling and misinformation, there may be some real praying and pants pooping happening. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tasneemnashrulla/ricky-vaughn-twitter-troll-arrested-election-interference
Here he is with a new meme saying they are digital soldiers, as they were dubbed by Flynn! https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1210912760734707713
Praying Medic, is a grifting Q arsehole fake religious who said God told him to grift off the Q-Quislings has a religious nonprofit in Washington State. AGAIN… a Q "researcher" got non-profit status! WTAF America? Here is a “taste “ of that charitable work that he collects money for on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Patreon and elsewhere… https://www.rightwingwatch.org/people/praying-medic/