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This woman has been on my list from January 6 insurrection. She insists she did not go into the Capitol, but she has been on my radar ever since because almost all SAY that. She has been in the news quite a bit because of her background and her activism.
2021: The U.S. Army’s 1st Special Forces Command is investigating Captain Emily Rainey’s involvement forJan.6. 'The 30-year-old psy ops officer told the AP she led 100 members of Moore County Citizens for Freedom who traveled to Washington to “stand against election fraud” She says she did not enter the Capitol. https://apnews.com/article/us-capitol-trump-supporters-1806ea8dc15a2c04f2a68acd6b55cace
Brags she is a repeat offender… "I’m a repeat offender with no intention of reform."
Twice, “Rainey made news for taking down yellow tape around swings and slides at a closed playground in Southern Pines so her children could play.” That is not all… After a power outage Rainey said she knew who did it, lying to social media. She resigned as an Army officer Oct. 2021. https://www.wral.com/moore-county-authorities-investigate-vandalism-that-left-thousands-without-power/20612783/
Fort Bragg leaders are trying to determine if Rainey broke any military laws by leading 100 members of Moore County Citizens for Freedom to the Washington, D.C. rally that turned into a deadly riot. 2 VIDEOS: https://www.wral.com/army-investigating-officer-who-led-group-to-washington-rally/19466148/
Rainey, according to her Facebook page, owns Vendee Farms and works for Moore County Citizens for Freedom.
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=202345084864668&set=pcb.202347348197775 'Since leaving the Army amid the January 6 investigation, she has been featured in a Tucker Carlson documentary series on Fox News, “Patriot Purge,” and numerous podcasts. Her Instagram describes her as, “Special Operations Psyop Veteran Thought Criminal/ Future Gulag Resident Homestead-Vendée Farms Trad Catholic Prepper .” Lots of info and facebook anti mask QAnon follower : https://heavy.com/news/emily-rainey/ Bragging about getting her “Christian“ patriots elected to a schoolboard. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=535290355277709&set=ecnf.100063902466378
. Schoolboard here too: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=482543063511534&set=ecnf.100063902466378 I’m a repeat offender with no intention of reform.
They are building a ‘community’ of spiritual and social depravity.
Have babies
Educate them at home
Relocate to rural areas
Learn self-reliance in communities
Worship God
Rebuild His Kingdom
And when required, use force to defend it
>>>check out @patriotnation.shop and use code EMILYGRACE
She is a Tucker Carlson sweetheart,
Christian conservatives are being persecuted in the military. The purge is purposeful to achieve ideological purity. To what end you ask? Removal of anyone with a conscience and a moral code that will not let them be used as a mercenary for evil. Link in my bio for the full article. #departmentofdefense #lloydaustinisacriminal #extremismhoax #patriotpurge @tuckercarlsontonight
Picture as well: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=574474674318372&set=ecnf.100063902466378
Be a rebel. Homeschool your kids Produce your own food Tell Big Pharma to GTFOH Go to church Power to the People! Stick it to the man!
More pictures/info here:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9133117/Army-investigating-officer-led-group-Washington-rally.html
2022: Rainey was back in the news Dec, 22, being with Proud Boys to protest a drag show https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=541276028012475&set=ecnf.100063902466378
There is so much more to search for... Here, have fun:
Click for a Google search: Emily Grace Rainey
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilyGraceInThePines/photos/a.107577361008108/201470498285460/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilygracerainey/
Sometimes “word of prayer” in southern cop parlance means “you’d better pray I don’t have to come talk to you again about this.”