UPDATE 1 is in comments
In 2016, 538 was treated like some miracle poll because Nate Silver had been spot on once... when in fact it seemed to be run by 8Chan trolls.
Nate Silver 538
In 2012, Nate Silver told Charlie Rose he was torn between voting for Republican Mitt Romney or voting for Libertarian Gary Johnson. (Reminder: Democrat Barack Obama was on the same ballot.)
During the 2016 election campaigns, while the tRUMP was maintaining a very big margin behind Hillary, I was watching 538 poll data charts. (sliding charts) They literally were erased of all data, and showed 0 for both as I watched. And then when it came back online they were almost neck and neck…. I asked him (or his staff that tweeted) about it in the comments why a sliding chart would be ERASED of data rather than just slid into place... and got no reply. Maybe someone can find the thread. https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/792154084698689537
I wonder if Nate tracks user data as well … or gets his info via some GOP operative but also knew that the voting would be hacked and close in the states tRUMP knew he had to win… I would not trust him or his site, regardless! He likely has some young MAGA .trolls from 4/8chan on his payroll. The tRUMP campaign is tracking data, so that is why I ask.
Here is the sites Mea Culpa. What a crock of crap! https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-polls-missed-trump-we-asked-pollsters-why/
He is a grifter and a partisan liar. 2020

538 deciding where tRUMP stands in the polls
In reality,
all you should remember about polls is that Kellyanne Conway was once a respected pollster. She had dubbed herself Kellyanne Polls.
tRUMP used her 'expertise' in lying and presenting alternate realities as facts to make her his most trusted top advisor after Bannon.

Trust polls? NEVER!
This poll was commissioned by Jack Posobiec... one of the initiators of the Pizzagate lies that perpetuate even today. Do not know who he is? (*Sigh?) Posobiec is a former Navy intelligence office, and now an election rat f*cker and sleazeball.... https://www.adl.org/resources/hate- learn more here: https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/update-19-qanon-origins-q-murderers-more

Another GQP operative troll poll....
tRUMP lovedthis garbage and reposted it to his site.

How tRUMP does polling... 2020
Just lie and a third of the country will think it's true... and use this "data" embedded in their minds to say tRUMP must have won...
A poll I might trust more...
The loons vote... in droves
Here is a reminder of the January 6 loons and Q nutters who are buying tRUMP junk, even while using Government assistance that saved this woman's life and livelihood daily, while worshiping tRUMP daily and still believes the election was stolen and that Jan 6 was a beautiful day. They are in a tRUMP cocoon and nothing will reach them... and in this case...not even her Dem spouse. She also does her own meals on wheels where she reinforces loyalty to her lard and saviour in a ruby red town. She also professes to be a "christian;" surprise, surprise...
I tried to make light of it as there are so many scaremonger posts right now on every site, but this is just ONE of the steps that the RW has concocted to steal the election. Polling
is anything but non partisan to skew the outcomes. Right wing operatives are paying for skewed and badly done polls to make it seem as though tRUMP is winning to make people stay home. But, once voting is complete, should Harris still win, they have another reason to lie and say that Dems had to have cheated to still win when tRUMP was so far ahead.
Since August at least 31 right-aligned pollsters and sponsoring organizations have released polls in the last 7 weeks and they are the majority.