So sad. This last september I had a lady who was visibly pregnant come in for her flu shot appointment. I chatted, asked about her due date and she told me “I can’t wait bc then I will be able to be vaccinated for covid“
I immediately told her of 2 studies off the top of my head that actually urged pregnant women to get the shot.
even in late spring of 2021, the American board of Obstetrics and Gynecology hadn‘t made up their minds. She was shocked- nobody had updated her on the new guidelines. She immediately asked if I could please give her her first moderna shot. I did. Chances are she wouldve been just fine, but that was right before omicron was hitting the scene. I’m so happy she took my advice. Her baby should be around 6 months by now.
Wow, how fortuitous that she heard the proper info from you.
The lack of clear information and policy-making is abysmal.
So sad. This last september I had a lady who was visibly pregnant come in for her flu shot appointment. I chatted, asked about her due date and she told me “I can’t wait bc then I will be able to be vaccinated for covid“
I immediately told her of 2 studies off the top of my head that actually urged pregnant women to get the shot.
even in late spring of 2021, the American board of Obstetrics and Gynecology hadn‘t made up their minds. She was shocked- nobody had updated her on the new guidelines. She immediately asked if I could please give her her first moderna shot. I did. Chances are she wouldve been just fine, but that was right before omicron was hitting the scene. I’m so happy she took my advice. Her baby should be around 6 months by now.