One was expired, one a special one for presidents, and one his current valid passport. Anyway, the FBI took them and Newsweek is discussing trump being a flight risk.
The way things are starting to gel is trump may actually have been compromising US intelligence and weapons information. And of course Russia has been mentioned.
So for a moment consider what if trump’s presidency was all part of a plot by Putin to weaken the US and NATO. Puts everything he and those in his circle did in a new light, doesn’t it?
EDIT - This appears to have just been procedural. At least for now. It was a consequence of the search warrant and just grabbing presidential records. So just noise for now. My bet is we see the headline again, later, though.
Here is what happened with the passports. As usual it was convoluted... and overplayed, sigh.
Listen to Marcy Wheeler/AKA Emptywheel logic here.
The 3 safe bet laws that tRUMP will be charged with if the DOJ is doing their job... because he has already broken them by mishandling, removing and keeping in possession. More can be added as the investigation continues. See the info here: