New Politico article says this:
“Prosecutors also added in another court filing unsealed Friday that the ongoing criminal probe into government records stashed at Trump’s Florida home has involved “a significant number of civilian witnesses” whose safety could be jeopardized if their identities were revealed.”
Here’s what many may not realize about SCI/SAP - it’s the big times. The obvious one is any people helping the US and named in those documents are likely in big danger or already dead. If you search for mysterious Russian deaths on a search engine, there’s quite a few oligarchs that have turned up dead that had nothing really remarkable about them. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if their names were on documents in trump‘s possession.
But what people also don’t know about that level of information is knowing it can make you a target. You know the movies/books where the scientists get kidnapped and tortured for information? That’s the level you’re talking about here. People with those clearances and access have a level of danger associated with having them. If trump actually did show his guests those documents, they could now be targets for kidnap and torture to reveal anything they might remember. Who knows how likely that is but it’s certainly a possibility.
But here’s a whole new set of wrinkles for trump, his guests that he apparently showed the documents too, and the documents themselves. There was a Russian gal at Mar-a-Lago, presumably a full-on spy, and trump thought she was some kind of Rothschild heiress. And having a vagina to grab probably made her quite attractive to dotard.
This might mitigate the risk to guests somewhat if Inna gained access to the documents themselves. At least Russia wouldn’t have the need or want to incur the risk, but think of how many other countries might want to know secrets too. In the big leagues, people do get kidnapped, tied up, beaten, shot, drugged, and even sliced up bit by bit if they know things others want. Anonymity is protection if you know things like were probably in trump‘s basement. The Mar-a-Lago crowd gets to now deal with being people who know too much.
Stupid fucking idiot trump. He probably compromised this country’s national security worse than any spy or traitor in history.
Oh yeah - Russia state TV said they were already studying trump’s documents. It’s looking like that boast may have had some truth to it but hard to know.
I did have a forum post about this a couple of days ago here. You missed it. But here is the original source