Everyone seems to believe that the pandemic is more or less over. That we can go back to normal life and just forget it ever happened.
We're idiots. This virus ain't done with us, and people are now going to be at more risk of getting Covid and dying from it because they don't think it's a serious problem any more.
The virus isn’t done mutating.
Anyone who urges sensible precautions is going to face the wrath of covidiots who don't want to be inconvenienced. As before, any mask or vaccine mandates, either from the government or from a private business, is likely to be met with death threats from Maga morons with warped views about freedumb.
And: in today's statistics for the NYT the death rate is starting to inch up again,
Deaths 371 +1% 996,160
Maine is leading the trending line as well.
The Maine CDC now recommends that masks be worn in all public places, due to the increase in cases.
Also, in the Washington Post, the authorities are saying there will be an uptick for infections this fall, and are urging unvaccinated people to please get the shots, pretty please?
Our health care workers deserve some downtime from this shit storm they've been living through.
Apropos of nothing, I just got my Google mail account verified again-plus I also got my brand new smart phone all set up! What a battle that was! I was completely at sea because my husband used to do this for me and I've never done it before. I learned why he hated to do it, too.
But it does mean that the possibility is there, as every mutation carries with it the ability to evade vaccines.
Big ol' National Enquirer-style headline on that article. In the second paragraph they admit, "The evolutionary trend with SARS-CoV-2 might not mean there are definitely going to be big surges in infections, hospitalizations and deaths."