Robert Rivernider Jr.'s father died on Oct. 19, 2020.
The ballot signature was not the same as his father’s signature on record, but was found to be similar to Rivernider’s own signature on his ballot.
Rivernider was found guilty of forgery to alter public records, fraud in connection with casting a vote, and pass counterfeit instrument, which are felony charges. He could face several years in prison.
Here are instances just found in a search on this forum:
Iowa County supervisor's wife guilty of 52 counts of voter fraud
In one case, a guy cast a ballot for his dead wife WHO HE WAS ACCUSED OF MURDERING
Landlord arrested after stealing and throwing away a legally blind man’s election ballot
TRUMP's own research showed that voter fraud did not cost him the election
Blast from the past: tRUMP and Republicans made it easier to steal an election by killing the Election Assistance Commission in February 2017. It was the only federal agency that can help the states with vote anomalies. The supposed replacement was a sham and was disbanded. In response, he created a commission to investigate voter fraud, led by controversial Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach that FAILED MISERABLY and was to SUPPRESS votes.