UPDATE 1 in comments
I had a dream last night. I had just read that a snake of a Repo "business" man named Don "another Con" Hankey was the one who had given the loan of 175m for tRUMP's bond. From repossessing 250 cars a day to loaning a man known for using other people's money and not fully paying debt let alone interest... sounds legit, right? And he does do "specialty loans" to distressed people, so rest assured he is a loan shark that usually takes all he can and them squeezes until they bleed.
Not only that, but he was the one who reached out. There is a WTAF if I ever heard one. I hope that the lady who is watching the tRUMP Org. company deals is able to scrutinize that one. Whether it was foreign monies that "helped" with that cash portion, or whether he is Moneybags MAGA Minion Moron buying a possible future president's favour, that is too much money from one place... and one person.
Hankey told the network that Knight Specialty Insurance Company used a combination of cash and investment-grade bonds to pay the fee.
And he helps people buy cars they otherwise could not afford or get loans for... Hey at least for a little while... (Sounds like the housing bubble and sub-prime loans that helped create the last recession all over again... because IT IS!)
Anyhoo... back to my dream. I dreamed about that creep before bed and then before I woke up I was dreaming about the Russian Oligarchs and how they worked hand in hand to assure Putin remained in power and were rewarded with all of the government contracts and more money and power. I woke up when my brain finally came to the realization that the American (and foreign) oligarchs are working to get tRUMP into power and BE AUTHORITARIAN as that works for them, as tRUMP will happily work for them to dismantle the nasty government regulations that keep them from exploiting EVERYTHING, as they do in Russia. It is NOT just for the taxcuts... Plus, he has primed his base that he is working for THEM, and will call anyone working for the people and for the common good of Americans will be ousted as "the deep state" and they will follow like sheep to his slaughter.
And then, I clicked on Mother Jones to see what I had missed last week and... there it was... my dream already put into words. I will let them and the series that follows it continue...
The Rise of the American Oligarchy
What targeting Russia’s wayward billionaires revealed about our own.
Tim Murphy January+February 2024 Issue
I have only read the first of the series... and I already need a break before I read the rest, which can be found HERE