One of my favourite activities on this site has been creating new memes, a hobby I hadn't ever tried my hand previously until SAV appeared. Most of them have been posted just one single time. So, to commemorate and memorialse and possibly even amuse, you and future generations. Hope you'll enjoy seeing many of them again, or seeing a few you haven't seen before! If there's enough demand for them, I'll repost as many as possible here over the next week or so.
UPDATE: I'm also going to start posting some of my favorite memes from other people, for which I will also give due credit. If you have a favourite you'd like to post, please go ahead. The only requirement is that it should be funny, sarcastic, ironic etc, and in more or less good taste.
I also used to love making memes and MEMEorials. That is until one day a person on here had a huge impact on me. She told me that my memorials were boring and all the same. How great an impact you ask? Why, I rarely have made one since... and erased most from my files. They have since changed their member name but I also remember their original sign in name as it was that impactful... Ah well...