There seems to be a lot of controversy over the word CUNT on this forum. The difference is that in the British Commonwealth CUNT isn't a bad word at all. I have friends that use it all the time and as an American it took a while to get used to this. In America CUNT is the most vulgar word you can possibly utter. We are taught this from a young age. For some reason its even worse than PUSSY.
In the British Commonwealth, it's even used as a term of endearment. "My mate is such a good cunt".
Aussies use it almost exclusively as a term of endearment.
Don't believe me... read about it on Wikipedia..
And what they say on Quora...
Get over it. It offends the very AMERICAN lady Vaxxylady, so she asked that you don't use it. If you can't come up with another word then you're definitely a cunt (the American kind).
Fair enough! It is kinda awesome to be able to debate on the topic!