The dog-eating (Trump hates dogs and Nœm shots dogs, but Republicans spread racist xenophobic lies about Haitians stealing and eating pets (these are recycled lies originally levied at East Asians)) RFK2 is before the Senate facing confirmation for the Secretary of HHS. This is what we need to know about him:
He is AntiVaccination.
He is AntiNuclear.
He is AntiGMO (Genetically-Modified Organism).
He pushes raw milk (milk was responsible for 25% of food-borne illness before Pasteurization, but after Pasteurization, is only responsible for 1%).
He killed 83 Children in America Samoa (After tragic accident of cutting vaccines with muscle relaxant instead of saline killed 2 children, he went to America Samoa, got them to stop vaccinating, which triggered an outbreak of measles, which killed 83 children).
He is currently involved in litigation for ending vaccinations against Poliomyelitis (¡Make Poliomyelitis Great Again¡ (¡Invest in Iron-Lungs!))
Much more nuttery
¡Trump only chooses the best people!
Part of me says that the Repug majority of Congress will confirm RFK2 and all other clowns up for appointment. But the other part of me HOPES that even just a very few Repugs will see through RFK2's lies and save America's children from missing out on childhood immunizations.