GOP legislators across the country are introducing bills to end mandatory vaccination of schoolchildren for many diseases as a result of the party's decision to embrace anti-vaxxer lies and politicize pseudoscientific opposition to the greatest scientific achievement of the 21st century, the rapid development of safe and effective Covid vaccines which literally saved millions of lives. We can look forward to outbreaks of numerous childhood diseases we eradicated decades ago, including polio. The GOP is a death cult.
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Smart parents will continue to vaccinate their kids. Dumb parents will continue to care more about Mah Freedumbs than their children. Fuck ’em. I’m tired of wasting a single erg of energy caring about them. Their kids can get paralyzed by polio, or die of measles. I. Do. Not. Care.
The ones I feel sorry for are the kids who can’t get vaccinated because of other conditions. Maybe between deaths and migration, there will be a red state depopulation. One could only hope.