These are now the people who will keep the pandemic going by letting their immunity wane. My son-in-law is one, thinks it's only the flu. Fully vaxed but no booster. Tell me who you know.
The new wave is here. I have been using the mayo clinics hotspot map to watch for increasing covid numbers. I used to live in Florida and just recently moved back to Ohio so I only watch those 2 states. You can click on show 14 day forecast to see the projection for 2 weeks out. It doesn't look good. Here is the link. The wife and I got our flu and covid boosters yesterday. Timed it so in 1 month it will be the holidays. I think we will start to see stories of anti-boosters landing in the hospital before christmas gets here.
The new wave is here. I have been using the mayo clinics hotspot map to watch for increasing covid numbers. I used to live in Florida and just recently moved back to Ohio so I only watch those 2 states. You can click on show 14 day forecast to see the projection for 2 weeks out. It doesn't look good. Here is the link. The wife and I got our flu and covid boosters yesterday. Timed it so in 1 month it will be the holidays. I think we will start to see stories of anti-boosters landing in the hospital before christmas gets here.