The math feels like it's not adding up with thus election. How did cheeto win the popular vote? And there were fewer votes this cycle?? No way, not buying it. They've had 4 years to get it done, and they did it. Am I one of those crazy conspiracy idiots?? I feel like the entire country is in mourning, no one I know slept at all last night, it was just eerie.
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I voted for trump (not because I like him but because I HATE Kamala with a fiery passion). I’m not alone. So many people I know voted Hillary, then Biden, then Trump this election. The democrats need to do better than to run a candidate without a political platform aside from “not the other guy”.
I live in Scotland and I feel some of your pain, even this country is tainted with his disgustingness. We are moving back home to Ireland in two weeks and moving day can’t come soon enough. I am still in shock and disbelief. My sympathies go out to the citizens of the US, both those who voted against him and also most people who voted for him. Will they regret voting for him when they realise the consequences of their actions, or will they follow the cult? It’s a sad day for the US 🇺🇸
Mmm yup. Trump is essentially diabolical. 0 integrity. I forced myself to sleep at 2 am and slept 2 1/2 hours. Putins puppet has come to life again!
I spent a long time this morning doing my meditation thing before my view point was tolerable.
In the atmosphere, the future, there's a lurking, skulking, almost demonic, dystopian reality...The neo con vision, the neo Nazi and the Mango Mussolini. He's already a awful, horrible, person and now he's going to visit his putrid, oppressive autocratic agendas upon the country.
Dumps last term was a practice run, a prequel to perfect the horror of his upcoming reign of terror. This is what dump and the malignant minds of the far right will subject us to.
Chaos, calamity, death, and social disaster will ensue. The rot of corruption and stench of machiavellianism is the environment that Dump brings..
The 1/2 the country that voted for him are ignorant aberrations beyond belief and we'll all suffer.
Rigged election?
With trump, the Russians and the Republicans, cheating, lying, and gaslighting, election rigging is their forte', their wheelhouse. F*ked
Trump has been impeached twice. Maybe a third time will be the charm.