There is another tactical training facility in Florida. This one has hired Eddie Gallagher... the former Navy Seal who murdered a child, an unarmed teenager prisoner and an old man and was mostly exonerated by his like-minded peers and then LOSER45 pardoned of all charges...
The 2 civilians were murdered for sport according to his team mates. Gunned down for walking in his sniper sites.
Bragging on Instagram about training cops
The Tallahassee Police Department has not answered questions on the training with Gallagher, who oversaw the session in partnership with the nonprofit 'Stronghold SOF Solutions', based in Destin, Fla.
A non profit? What, is militia training now a church or something? I am sure that Thomas Morton of San Diego,Ca. Vice President Of Business Development at AMTS is totally legit!!
American Technical Solutions
Defense and Space Manufacturing
Fort Walton Beach, FL
A freaking Defense contracted business and subsidiary of an Alaskan company.
(Some day I will compile the number of Gov and contractor employees and those who have top level clearance that were charged from Jan 6... )
Florida, where DeSantis wants his very own militia and has his very own 'Election Police Force'. Florida, where 90 people have been charged for Jan 6. (The highest number) Florida, where so many Proud Boys call home, and where they are running in droves for any office anywhere... and are now the face of the Miami-Dade Republican Party.
No worries America, other than the hundred of police officers and veteran insurrectionists from Jan 6 (40 of them Marines), the thousands of militias who are right now training in places just like this and their hundreds and hundreds of thousands of members (and some of the insurrectionists own training centres), and no worries about Erik Prince and his gang of murderers, as they have not been heard from other than training the jackasses at Project Veritas.
Check sound down... Palin wants more investigations into Hillary's emails. Not sure what that guy on the right is doing there. Perhaps offering Bannon one of the family's 9 yachts to be arrested in next?
Bannon Palin Erik Prince