As we have experienced the pandemic, this last 6 months have been a lull of sorts-everything has sort of flattened out.
Infections are down, hospitalizations are down, and so are deaths.
But wait-deaths are down-but they're not completely down to maybe a dozen a week-they're at the rate of 300-500 people dying every day.
That's a lot of people per week. That's anywhere from 2100 to 3500 people a week. Multiply that figure for the month, and that's a lot more people.
We've lost our empathy, our sorrow and fear of the virus. It might just come back to haunt us.
This essay is better than I am at saying how bad this is.
I posted a response from one public health professional to Biden’s “pandemic is over” remark elsewhere in this forum. I think this is the new normal under our present political and societal realities. Sucks and I am not at all happy about it but the intent of the Serenity Prayer does seem applicable here—as I say it, “may we find it in ourselves to grant us the serenity to accept that which we can not change, the courage to change that which we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”