Remember way back when Roy Moore (trump’s pal and favorite senate candidate for/from Alabama) was in trouble for stalking teen girls at some mall and got literally banned from going there? Remember when Sacha Baron Cohen did an “interview“ with Moore and showed him a “pedophile detector” that would light up when pointed at Moore? This was almost an eternity ago - 2018.
Well, Roy Moore got upset and walked out... and then filed a defamation lawsuit against Cohen… which Moore just lost.
Just a blast from our past. Moore signed a release which insulated Cohen against all sorts of claims. Don’t know if others can call Moore a pedophile with impunity, but if you get him to sign a release, you apparently can! The segment was hilarious, though.
Maybe if we just call Roy Moore an “accused pedophile” like Salon did?
Sacha Baron Cohen is an absolute genius! I remember seeing that segment, hilarious. Borat is my favourite, jak sie masz! I also loved Ali G back in the day, still do. Isn’t it ironic that the actual person that Ali G was based on has recently had allegations of sexual misconduct and predatory behaviour made against him. It’s almost like Sacha has a nose for these sort of things, or a “pedophile detector.”