There are currently over 300.
The site has a leaderboard and 32,000+ retractions on it...
Database search:
Some are withdrawn because of error, some are duplicated or miscredited, but most are manipulating data and findings like this one fellow drawn to the money for research that the Canadian government was helping to sponsor.
Meet Johnathon Pruitt, a former academic researcher Associate Professor of behavioral ecology at McMaster University.
His retractions thus far.
OOPS... I guess Florida doesn't care.
"Additional interim measures are in place restricting Pruitt from any engagement in teaching and research, including any access to research funding."

The latest retraction is one he was most known for. Spiders have feelings too. (That is not the name of the had a fancy name) Sadly his work discredits those who also worked on similar projects or used his data.

May his legacy of fraud and ruining his career be a warning to any other researchers who are tying to put manipulated and padded content and money above science.