With all the reports of the police “researching“ from outside and doing nothing but preventing parents from challenging the idiot inside while he systematically murdered teachers and children, the Texas cops and police everywhere are unfortunately (but rightfully) getting a huge black eye.
During a live fire hostage/mass murder situation it’s hard to say how any one of us would react. Thing is, it was all unnecessary. There didn’t need to be this school shooting, other school shootings, mall shootings, office shootings, etc. Nobody needed to die.
But republicans are ready to sacrifice your life, your children’s lives, people all over this country - thousands of us every year - because the NRA and gun lobby bribes them. It lines their pockets to do nothing.
Meanwhile, the NRA and republicans are arming crazies with military weapons and sending them on their way to kill, murder, and stymie police forces everywhere. If police don’t immediately rush into a hail of bullets to rescue hostages and save lives, they make headlines that attack them for inaction - because the crazies can just walk in and buy assault weapons, no questions asked.
It’s no coincidence Russian intelligence sent Maria Butina to court Wayne LaPierre and NRA-loving republicans to funnel Russian influence money illegally into republican pockets. It wasn’t because Russians think guns are good for us. Yet more of that good republican decision-making on parade.