I am very grateful to Vaxman that this site exists. I also appreciate the hard work and dedication of Vaxxylady and HCAman.
I'm sure that digging up new stories that meet this site's criteria (anti-vaxxers who publicly spread misinformation before getting seriously ill from covid) can't be easy. I would like people to quit complaining that there have not been a lot of brand new stories lately. If you want to see more "fresh meat" then help find it yourself! Vaxman would appreciate any help he can get!
If you make a concerted effort and don't find anything, then you may come to appreciate how difficult it is. Lots of people here have been badgering Vaxman to obtain "fresh meat", but no one is stopping you from helping out.
Reports of less people dying from an easily preventable death is a good thing. Sadly there is always going to be those that died due to a malicious, and concentrated misinformation campaign.