Hey dude or dudette, I’d guess you already know but I reported piscean blowscock multiple times. I don’t think I ever accidentally reported any of your posts in that, though. I was aware of the difference. Hopefully I wasn’t the cause of you getting temporarily suspended but if I was I apologize to all. Pretty sure I didn’t but just in case. It certainly wasn’t my intent. I think a few threads I posted got axed too in the melee.
Thanks to Vaxxman and Vaxxlady for booting the bad account, though!
Aw, thanks TSHV!
i wasn't upset or anything, though the play on my name made me LOL. And thank you for reporting those anti Native American memes, so disgusting.
But now it looks like ive got a band of merry troll(s) following me about. Wish I could reach out to them personally, if I had their emails or something..
Thanks all, especially Vaxxylady and Vaxxman!
I actually think it may have been my fault for reporting that Meyer Rothstein troll. I reported all of their posts and also linked to some of them in a corpse post and others also said they’d reported.
It wasn't you who reported the CORRECT Piscean Blowhard. It was a couple trolls. You don't need to worry! Promise! Several people reported the Piscean copycat account correctly. Thanks to those who did.