He won’t be a very familiar name to most on this forum, but Rick Saccone lost his bid for the Republican nomination for Lt.Gov. He bragged about being Trump before Trump was, and he was at the Jan. 6th attempted coup, although he was smart enough to stay outside the capitol. He had been a professor at St. Vincent in Latrobe, until they kicked him out.
And I have seen more convincing toupees on department store mannikins. That hairpiece really annoys me. If he had won, I would have offered a bounty for that ridiculous pelt, 500$ to whoever would publicly yank it off his noggin and give it to me.
Well, Rick has lost two House elections and now one for Lt. Governor. Hopefully we can stick a fork in his copious ass, cause he is done. Anyone who loses three elections in a row will have problems raising money to run again.
A friend told me that in his district, they call him “Suck one”.